#118 (Rainbow Quest)

307 13 16

If you haven't seen the new episode of RQ, don't look at this A/N. You've been warned.

Alright, who else is upset Elemental died?! I know he was a villain, but come on! That hit me right in the feels! I knew it would happen because of SS, but whyyyyy...

And now Time is gone too. He's off on his own and I'm upset about that too. He's one of my favorite characters, and he's going to be gone for who knows how long while he grieves Elemental...

I now officially hate Hypno more than I like him as a character.

Anyways, onto the incorrect quotes, Ig

Rainbow Void, spinning around in a chair ominously: I've been expecting y-

Rainbow Void, as the chair continues to spin: Shoot

Rainbow Void: *Tries to stop spinning* Shoot!

Rainbow Void: *Tries to grab a table or lamp to stop spinning* SHOOT!

Rainbow Void: *Falls off the chair* SHOOT!


Sabre: I've had one hour of sleep

Sabre: One brownie

Sabre: 16 shots of espresso

Sabre: And I'm ready to either kill Void or die trying

Dark: Is he okay?

Shadow: Collective data says no


Elemental: I just finished a 50 piece puzzle. It took me 4 weeks

Time: 4 weeks? That's awhile!

Elemental: You think? On the box, it says 2 to 4 years



Rainbow, annoyed: I think I'd make a great boyfriend

Void, angry: You'd make a GREAT boyfriend!

Rainbow, angry: Yeah? Well I think whoever ends up with you is going to be freaking lucky!

Void: Yeah? Well not as lucky as whoever ends up with you!

Corruption: What am I looking at?

Soul: They're angry flirting again


Violet Leader: Why is everyone scared of love?

*Scene cuts to the Violet Leader sneaking up on the Orange Leader*

Violet Leader: LOVE!!

Orange Leader, startled: AAhh!!


Shadow: Okay, maybe playing 'Whose family is the most dysfunctional' wasn't the best idea ever. Dark's been crying in the bathroom for an hour, and we can't get him out...


*Sabre, Rainbow and Galaxy in the Void*

Rainbow and Galaxy: Whoops?

Sabre: 'Whoops?' Whoops?! This is not a 'Whoops' situation. We are far past 'whoops.' 'Whoops' is a distant speck in the rear view mirror. We are solidly in 'Oh f*ck' territory, and I expect you to act like it

Technically I don't believe Sabre would swear unless they were in a situation like that, but moving on-

Soul: The door's locked, frick

Corruption: I have the keys, don't worry

Soul: How'd you ge-

Corruption: *Smashes window*


A younger Violet Steve: Quick, how do you keep a relationship thriving?!

Violet Leader: Tender love and care? Listening to their emotions?

Orange: Just call them assorted baking ingredients. Sugar, honey, cinnamon, vanilla, garlic powder, Montreal steak seasoning, pumpkin. It really butters their toast

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now