#187 (Rainbow Quest)

300 12 19

Tbh, I actually had a theory that when Hypno and Sabre went into the armor, they would get M out of there. Looks like I was right there lol

And yes, I still have my theory about the armor being the second hero. Still kind of out there, but I think it could still be plausible because of this new episode

Rainbow: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine

Void: But, babe, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I feel whole again

Rainbow: ...Are you trying to cuddle me into healthy sleeping patterns?

Void: ...Is it working?


Sabre: I typed 'Jerk' into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway


Sabre: Vroom, vroom mothertrucker


Elemental: I'm the most responsible in this duo

Time: You just set a village on fire

Elemental: Yeah, and I take full responsibility for that


Void, opening the front door: Guys, I'm hom-

Corruption and Soul: *Staring out a window*


Void: What are you doing?

Soul: The TV broke, so we're watching a couple break up from across the street

Corruption: Ohhh shoot! Is he showing him screenshots? My guy got RECEIPTS!


Sabre: There's only one thing worse than dying...

Sabre: *Rips off paper to reveal 'Rainbow' written above 'dying'*

Galaxy, gasping: RAINBOW?!

Sabre: NO!


Time: *Sees Sabre and Dark sitting on a bench*

Time: Why do you guys look so sad?

Sabre: Sit down with us, so we can tell you

Time: *Sits down with them*

Dark: The bench is freshly painted



Corruption: Hey, wake up!

Soul: What do you want?

Corruption: You're ugly

Soul: And you look like a burnt garbanzo bean


Sabre: You like me?

M: Yeah

Sabre: For my personality?

M: I was surprised too


Void: I just saw Soul and Corrupt hugging each other

Void: And then I looked closely. They were actually choking each other. Which makes more sense

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