#85 (Rainbow Quest)

375 15 13

*Bestfriends!Void and Rainbow at laser tag*

Rainbow: *Running from Void*

Void: *Catches him, then pushes him against a corner*

Rainbow: Not fair!

Void: *Laughs, leans in, kisses him, pulls back*




Void: *Shoots him, walks away smirking*

Rainbow: V-Void Steve! Not fair...

Ngl, I'm actually writing a Voidbow oneshot based off this incorrect quote set-

M: *Driving Sabre home after getting his wisdom teeth removed*

Sabre: *Eating jello*

M: *Looks at him then back at the road* How are you feeling?

Sabre: I'm flying, man!

M: *Chuckles*

Sabre: You are sooo pretty, M

Sabre: Ugh, I hate you so much, you're cuter than me

Sabre: And such a beautiful steve

Sabre: I love you so much

M: *Smiles*

Sabre: Oh, and when you state facts, whoa *Claps*

Sabre: I kind of like your eyes too

M: Right, they were being too beautiful to be true


Void: How normal people knock:

Rainbow, knocking: I'm here!

Void: How I knock:

Void: *Blows up door*


Time: Well, we've got to find a way to cut down on expenses. What can we live without?

Sabre: Probably Shadow


Galaxy, about to do something stupid: This iS THE GREATEST PLAAAAAANNNN-


Corruption: In my defense, I was left unsupervised!

Void: Weren't you with Soul?

Soul: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised!


Time: What kind of tea is this? It's awful

Elemental: I boiled some Gatorade


Dark: Candles? What's this, date night?

Shadow: First of all, this is not a date night, I'm trying to sacrifice you-


Rainbow: Can I use your diamond sword?

Sabre: When pigs fly!

Rainbow: *Gives Gerald a trident*

Gerald, internally: This isn't a favor

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