#190 (Rainbow Quest)

295 12 22

10 more chapters till the book can't have anymore chapters :(

I'll make a second book dw, but before I do I want to focus on my oneshots book and finish up some drafts I have saved there-

Rainbow: Why do you have to be so tall?!

Void: It has its advantages

Rainbow: Like?

Void: This

Void: *Leans down to kiss Rainbow on the forehead*


Time: Come on, M. If I'm getting you a date, I need to know what kind of person we're hunting down

M: Well...

Sabre: *Stumbles in, almost tripping over his own feet, looking disorganized*

M: That one! That's the one I want!

Time: Oh boy...


Prof. Red as a lifeguard:

Someone drowning:

Prof. Red: I could save them...

Prof. Red: But who am I to play god?


Void: If you ever feel safe, just remember that I'm out there


Sabre: I slipped a small friendly love letter into Rainbow's bag just so he knows he's loved

Depressed Rainbow, pulling out a novel of a love letter: What-


Elemental: Time! Guess what I'm going to get!

Time: On my nerves


Shadow: The doctor said if I can't find a new way to relate positively to my surroundings, I'm going to die

Shadow, a week later: I'm going to die


Sabre: How do you ask a glass of water what its doing?

M: A glass of water is an inanimate object and is therefore incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic English


Sabre: Water you doing...


Red Leader, responding to Prof. Red's text: K

Prof. Red: Well potassium is a nice element

Prof. Red: Very reactive

Prof. Red: Unlike that response that you just gave me

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