#37 (Rainbow Quest)

508 19 21

Sabre, waking up from a deep sleep: Where am I?

Shadow, sarcastically: The World Beyond

Sabre: Oh...


Sabre: Didn't think you'd be here


Kidnapper: We have your son

Dark: I don't have a son?

Kidnapper: Then who is this drinking tea and asking for sandwiches with their crusts cut off?

Dark: Oh great they have Time


Prof. Red: Ocelots deserve to live forever

M: And steves don't??

Prof. Red: Absolutely not


Sabre: Alright, we're all prepared for the Disneyland trip. Do we have everything?

Time: Think so

Dark: Yep

*The next day*

Sabre, on the spinning teacups ride: WE FORGOT SHADOW-

Do they really need him tho-? XD

Light: Are you okay?

Depressed Rainbow: Yeah I'm fine

Light: How do you define 'fine?'

Depressed Rainbow: It means I'm perfectly content but also wouldn't mind if the sun exploded and destroyed us all

Set in season 1 of Rainbow Quest

Orange Leader: Okay lets make sure everyone is here and alright

Orange Leader: 1 2 3 4....8 9 10...wait where's Sabre?!

Orange: Don't worry leader

Orange: *inhales*


Orange Leader:

Sabre, far off in the background: *Chicken scream* AAAAAAAAAAA

Orange: Found him

Orange Leader: I-


Soul: The real treasures were the memories made along the way

Undercover Sabre: I nearly died

Rainbow Void: That was my fondest memory


Light: Are you alright? I don't think you slept at all last night

Sabre: I got a solid eight minutes


Sabre: Well, not consecutively but still, I'm fine

Sabre: You're not even that blurry right now

It's not a Rainbow Quest incorrect quotes chapter from me if there isn't one set with Time and Elemental XD

Time: It's impossible to say the word 'bubbles' and make it sound threatening


*15 minutes later*

Rainbow: Can someone tell me why Elemental has been screaming 'bubbles' angrily outside the Rainbow Hub for the past fifteen minutes?

𝙇𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙘. - 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖/𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬 𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now