#171 (Steve Saga Origins)

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Blue: Do you guys think lava would taste spicy?

Green: Please don't eat lava-

Prof. Red: You do you, Blue

Rainbow: Actually, since it's made of molten rock, it would probably taste very bland and dusty

Blue: Thank you so freaking much, Rainbow, you understand me like no one else-


*If Hypno was a doctor*

Hypno: Hi, how are you?

Patient: I'm fine, thanks

Hypno: Then get out


Rainbow: I want my furry feet!

Green, crying: PLEASE just say SLIPPERS


Prof. Red: I have good news and I have bad news

Purple: What's the bad news?

Prof. Red: The ostrich broke the door

Purple: Professor, we don't have an ostrich

Prof. Red: Now for the good news


Green: Did you know that when you break a bone it will typically heal back stronger than before?

Yellow: So, what you're saying is I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible?

Blue: That's not even close to what he said


Rainbow, waking up: Did I die?

Rainbow: *Sees Blue* Oh, it's the Spirit World

Rainbow: *Turns and sees Nightmare* Oh no, it's the Spiritless World


*Green helping Yellow study for a history test*

Green: Alright, first question: where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Yellow, laying upside down on the couch: At the bottom of the page


Rainbow: I'm obligated to inform you that I'm trained in the ancient Chinese art of...Origami!

Dark, using the krav maga on him: Paper folding??

Rainbow: I was hoping you wouldn't know what that was


Blue: Not to be dramatic or anything, but I'll literally die for Rainbow

Green: Same

Rainbow, nervously laughing: Please don't

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