110: High on Both

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Requested by: @jikookie4f
Author POV
"You have a new doctor Park Jimin" Jimin giggles, tilting his head.
"What happened to the old one? Was he too sensitive to care for me?" The doctor only sigh and wave his hand so the other one could see. "Be nice Jimin" the doctor looked at him sternly. "And if I don't?" Jimin raised a brow, smiling mischievously.
The doctor ignored him and that's when he arrived.

Jeon Jungkook....

Age 28...

Born..1 September..

Jimin was reading Jungkook's name tag. He smiles until his eyes dissapeared.
"You're a Virgo!" Jungkook raised his eyebrow in confusion. Jimin giggles and points to himself.
"I'm a libra! My name is Park Jimin, nice to meet you!" Jimin says and extended his hand, which Jungkook shook.
The taller only gave him a smile and said "You're a cheerful one aren't ya?"
"Really?" Jimin grins, still shaking Jungkook's hand.
"Normally, people won't say that, they think I'm insane" when Jimin finally let go of Jungkook's hand, the taller sat down on the chair and took out his notes. He calmly writes down something and says
"Well, I like your energy. It suits you"

Jimin has never heard that before.

He felt kinda happy that someone did.

Park Jimin is in rehabilitation for a month now, due to being high on drugs. His mother sent him there when she found loads of it; cocaine, meth, heroin, marijuana. She wasn't going to let her son's life ripped into pieces, which is why Jimin ends up getting stuck in there. He hated it. He hates being controlled, going through therapy, telling him what's right and wrong, he hates it. He felt like a prisoner.
"I heard some of your doctors got tired from taking care of you" Jungkook asked. Jimin nods.
"I tried hard to be a bitch. I hate them, they were annoying" Jungkook writes it down, making Jimin glare at him.
"Are you going to tell this to them? Because I will fxcking kill you-"

"Calm down Jimin. You're my patient, and I made lots of research about you to make sure you're comfortable with me" Jungkook says. "Sure...I'm not going to understand what you really feel, but I can listen" he smiles softly.
"So whatever you want or need, I'm here. I'll always listen"

For the first time, Jimin felt human again.

Jimin's burst of energy were like fireworks while Jungkook was calm like water. There were times where Jimin would attempt to kxll himself and Jungkook would always be there to stop him. Other times, he tries to sneak out from his room so that he could breathe in the fresh air. It only last for a few minutes before he was discovered by Jungkook.
The taller also kept his words when he said he'll listen, whatever Jimin would talk,
even though it didn't make sense at all, Jungkook would still smile genuinely.
He payed no attention when his phone rang nor did he wrote it down in his notebook.
The conversation was between him and Jimin, that made the smaller's heart feel warm.

Normally, the doctors would lose interest to his stories.

Soon after, Jimin kept awaiting for Jungkook's arrival. He even counted the time where Jungkook would open the door.

Jungkook arrives around 7:30am, then he would stay outside and sip his coffee..so the time would already be 7:45. Then, he'll go inside the building and then the door would open, which if I were to count the steps..it'll be 30/35 steps. So that means he'll open the door at 8:02am.

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