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Requested by:@SubMochiForLifeu
Author POV (I hope u don't mind but I added my own ideas 😬)
It all started with a simple force. Jimin was walking to his house when someone grabbed him and pinned him to the wall. Jimin ignored the pain at the back of his head and look up. Red eyes stared at him and he gulped. "Wh-Who are you?" He asked. The guy simply answered. "Do me a favor"
"What favor?" Jimin asked. "If you agree to be my fake boyfriend, I won't kill you" Jungkook smirk.

Jimin was stunned. He shook his head, his eyes turned yellow. "No, I don't know you and I-" Jimin gasped when jungkook had gripped his neck, choking him. "You don't understand" Jungkook growled as his eyes turned red.
"I will really kill you if you don't agree.." Jimin nodded desperately and with that, Jungkook removed his hands, letting Jimin gasp for air. Jimin glared at him with his yellow eyes and grabbed his collar.
Jungkook only stared at him with amusement.  "Alright"

The real reason why Jungkook did that was because his parents begged him to date someone else because his parents didn't want him to date their neighbours daughter.Jungkook being a good boy, agreed.
SoHe forced Jimin to date him, which Jimin didn't like at first but he finds jungkook's parent quite nice to be with.
Over the weeks of them 'dating', Jimin really thought that he was a fool.

He really did fell in love.

"Jin hyung what should I do?" Jimin sighs. "I don't want to love him hyung, I really don't" Jin pat his shoulders and gave him a warm smile. "I'm sure he will warm up"
Jimin shook his head. "When I realized that I liked him, I wanted to hug him and kiss him" Jimin almost wanted to cry but he stop himself.
"I would always comfort him when he's sad or angry, I would make him food if he's hungry, I always take care of him like a baby, but when I needed him he just...he just looks at me and walks away, he even said that he doesn't love me"

Jin smile sadly. "What if you tell him that you have..him?"
"No, he hates me already, I don't want him to hate me even more"
"But jungkook loves kids-"
"But he doesn't love me"

Jimin's tear escaped from his eyes and cried. "He doesn't love me hyung...."

Jungkook was good at pretending. He would pretend to act romantic in front of his parents and friends but when they are alone, Jungkook would turn into a devil. He tortured Jimin with his cruel words, uses Jimin's kindness so jimin could do all the work and pushes Jimin away from him when Jimin would say I love you.

"Jimin, if he's that evil just dump his ass, you're stronger than him" Jimin sigh tiredly. "I'll try" Jimin smiled and look down at Jin's arm.
"And when is your arm gonna grow back?"
"Eh, maybe a couple of days, the bear was no joke, he wanted my arm as food" 
"What made you think giving the bear a rose would make it become your pet?"
"I...because I'm handsome man..." Jin pout.
Jimin facepalmed himself.


"So you cheated on me?" Jimin shook his head. "I would never-"
"Didn't I tell you that I don't want kids right now?" Jungkook spat.
" he had no one else to be with" Jungkook scoffed, his fangs showed indicating he was really angry.
"So that's my problem now?"
Jimin clench his fist as his whole body felt fire in it. He had told Jungkook that he adopted a child but jungkook's answer was more painful than it was when he said Jimin's a hoe.

Jungkook looked at the child with anger in his eyes. "The hell is your name?"
The kid flinched but answered. "Jungmin..sir.."
Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat on the sofa, ignoring Jungmin who was staring at him with curious eyes.
"Now what?!" He yelled. Jimin heard jungkook's yelling and immediately covered jungmin's ears.

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