2. Rivals to Couple

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Requested by: @Kanayanakita
Jimin POV
In Bts high, a special school that teaches people who have powers, a mutant basically.
But scenarios are always the same
We got:
The jock.
The nerd
The bully
The class clown
The smart one
The mysterious one
The handsome one

My friends are all the above except for the jock, Jeon Jungkook. He is popular, good at everything, handsome and full of himself. While me? I'm the nerd, Park Jimin. I scoff once again when I saw Jungkook flexing his muscles at the cheerleaders.
"You jealous?" I glared at Taehyung who innocently smile at me. "Tch, why would I be jealous?"
"Don't fool me, I'm your best friend,me know what you're hiding" Taehyung said.

"Gosh, I'm not hiding anything now scram" I growl. Taehyung giggled and turned into a cat then he left just like that.
So now I was alone. But that's fine, I get to read my book.
Or at least I thought I could.


The wall was destroyed and I widen my eyes when I saw Seokjin and Yoongi fighting, they had blood on their lips and forehead.
"YOU DUMB FACE! I'M GONNA GET YOU!!" Yoongi yelled angrily and blasted ice on Jin. Seokjin manage to dodge it until he slipped and ended up his body all frozen.
Yoongi laugh loudly and said "I TOLD YOU I'LL GET YOU HAHAHAHA!!"

I roll my eyes and walked towards them. "Yah Yoongi hyung, unfreeze him" I said. He scoff. "Not in a million years" he said while wiping his bloody lips. "I'm out of here see ya"
I sigh and look at the frozen Seokjin in pity.
"Don't worry I'll get you out"
That's when Jungkook appeared and I called him.
He furrowed his eyebrows and said "What do you want nerd?"

I roll my eyes once more and said "Can you be a bit useful and use your power? "
He sigh and shoot fire out from his hand, the ice melting away and out came Seokjin shivering
"S-S-So cold!!"
I laugh and grabbed a towel for Seokjin. "There ya go"
He thanked me and stretch his way to his room.

I look back at Jungkook who stared at me curiously. "What?" I said.
"What is your power?"
"None of your business"
"Oh is it bc you don't have one?" He mock.
I growl and glared at him. "I do and you don't have the right to see it"
"Just admit you don't have one"

Before he could say anything, I take out my glove and grabbed his shoulder and out came fire from my hand and I smirk at him.
"No power? Oh I do now" I said before blasting the fire that made him hit the wall.
I blow the fire out and casually walked away, not caring about Jungkook yelling me to come back.


Time skip
Author POV
"Attention students! Please be at the combat hall after recess!" The principal announced.
"Ugh are we going to fight again?" Seokjin said.
"Shut up Jin, we don't wanna hear your voice" Yoongi spat.
"Yah! I'm your hyung! Respect me!" Seokjin angrily said.

"Don't care" Jimin can see Seokjin's face getting red as he stretch his arm and slap both Yoongi's cheek a couple of times.
Yoongi's eyes were icy blue and his hands were ready to ice Jin hyung again until Hoseok came and place his hand on Yoongi's temple, saying "Sleep"
Which Yoongi did and he went into deep sleep.
They all laughed, especially Seokjin who was screaming Victory.

Combat Hall (I made this name up, don't judge)
"Now as we all know, each team will fight against the opposite team based on the name that is in this box" the principal exclaimed. "But today, I will let any of you to challenge anyone you want under 3 minutes, not 5, 3, that is the rule for today"
Everyone was whispering about it while the principal just ignore it and continued.
"Now! Raise your hand if you would like to start!"

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