129:Catfishing the guy that's not obsessed with me

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Author POV
"Ugh..there he goes again" Taehyung rolled his eyes and throws his phone at the sofa. Jimin notices it and asked,
"Why did you do that?" Taehyung replied, "It's Jungkook"
"Okay? What about him?"
"He's being such a creep! He keeps on texting me! And when I don't reply, he still won't give up!"

"What's wrong with just texting back? You two act together right? You get along just fine" Jimin says.
"That's the problem" Taehyung sighs.

"Jungkook is in love with me"

Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are well-known actors. They were handsome, talented, tall and sexy. They both had the perfect package and eventually, Taehyung and Jungkook acted in a movie together.
This is where Taehyung's stress begins...

Jungkook was a big fan of Taehyung's work and he admired the man very much. He mentions Taehyung's names in very interviews and even during his Vlive as well. When Jungkook got to know that he would be acting with Taehyung, he went wild. Just like that, Jungkook tried to be close to Taehyung.

At first, Taehyung didn't really care. He found the younger to be cute. But the man clinged to him so much, he became more annoyed. He hated it.
Then, Jungkook began to text him in kakaotalk (messaging app) every single chance he's got and Taehyung wanted to cry out of frustration.

"I've tried..TRIED to tell him that I'm not interested in him but then he acts all puppy eyes with me and it's so horrible to look at!"
Jimin was dumbfounded.
"That doesn't sound so bad..? You shouldn't be too harsh, I'm sure he means well" Taehyung's eyes twitches from annoyance as he look at Jimin directly. "You make it sound so easy because your pretty little ass is obsessed with him too!"

Yes, Park Jimin was also obsessed with the actor named Jeon Jungkook.

He blushes and says, "Well it's true! I've seen him done his puppy eyes lots of times! And you have to admit, it's really cute! And he's also kind you know" Taehyung sighs. "You aren't helping, this is a serious matter. I'm not interested, he's clearly blind, and I'm hungry!"

Jimin hands him a corn dog and Taehyung eats it hungrily. He chews and swallows then lets out a loud sigh.
That means, he was happy. Suddenly, he had an idea. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand and grins at him.
"How about you text him instead!"
"What?!" Jimin shook his head, explaining his side. "That's the worst idea you've ever had! Me pretending to be you? That's catfishing!" Taehyung disagrees and shook his head too.

"It's not a bad idea because I know what you're doing, so if anything goes wrong, it'll be me that takes responsibility and you'll still have a life to live" he stated calmly.
"You're making things worse for you Taehyung. You are going to regret it even if you don't admit it"

It took a week to convince Jimin to help him with the 'texting Jungkook' thing. After that, Jimin began to be
'Kim Taehyung'

(Remember, 'Taehyung' is actually Jimin)

Tae: Hello Jungkook

Jk: Oh my god! Hi! You respond!

Tae: Yeah I did..so..what do you want to talk about?

Jk: holy sh*t. Is this really happening? You really wanna talk to me?

Tae: Of course. You're cute, who wouldn't want to talk to you?

Jk:.....did you just called me cute?

"Sh*t! I thought I was thinking about him in my head!" Jimin panics.

Tae: Um..it's okay if you don't want me to call you that..

Jk: Nonono! I never said I hated it! I love it! I really like being called cute... especially...

Jk: When it's from you 😗

Jimin's eyes soften and he sigh happily. "That's nice to hear.."
They chat everyday; Jungkook would text first and Jimin would reply not a minute later. The taller absolutely love the new side of 'Taehyung', the Taehyung he knew was blunt, cold and angry all the time when he's with him. But the 'Taehyung' he's chatting with now, was softer, kinder and charming.

Jungkook would loved to wake up with this type of man without a single complain.

Meanwhile, Jimin enjoyed talking with Jungkook very much. It was his dream to talk to the taller. But nowadays, he gets more paranoid over what's bound to happen next, he knew one day, everything he has build with Jungkook...will collapse.

And this was that day.

"So, you've been talking to Jungkook now?" Yoongi shows Taehyung a footage from his phone. It was Jungkook talking in Vlive about how 'Taehyung' would chat with him everyday and he loved that side of him. Taehyung furrowed his brows. He was confused, then he realized what was happening.
He grabbed yoongi's phone and listen closely.

"I hope to meet him soon, actually you know what? I'm gonna try and tell him that if we can meet tonight"

"He wants to meet tonight?!?!" It was yoongi's turn to get confused.
"Why are you surprised? Jungkook has been telling me how well you treated him lately, maybe it's a good thing that you'll get to see him-"
"But I don't want to meet him!"
"Why not?"
"Because I want you!"

Yoongi was shock.

Taehyung was flustered.

"Hyung..." Yoongi's heart started to beat fast. "Taehyung-ah.." taehyung blushes in deep red as he slowly grabbed the elder's hand and squeezed it softly.
"Will you-"
"Yes" Yoongi apologized.
"Sorry, I got..I got excited"
Taehyung found that adorable.

"You were so okay with me and Jungkook meeting..Do you really like me?" Taehyung pouts.

"I hide my jealousy well plus, I know you don't like Jungkook"

"Touché" Yoongi nods.
"So...what are you going to do now?"

Oh fxck...Jimin is going to kill me..

And kill was the right term for him. Jimin was extremely pissed. He kept scolding the younger about how stupid and insensitive he was. Taehyung's initial response was to hang his head low as he listens to Jimin's rant. Once the smaller manages to calm down, he sat on the sofa with an aching head coming up.

"Sorry hyung-"
"I don't wanna hear it" taehyung shuts his mouth. Jimin rubs his head, pondering what to do.
"Taehyung, I love you"
"I love you too-"
"I'm not finished" Taehyung doesn't speak. "I love you but tonight, you are going to meet Jungkook and come clean with everything you've done"

"You told me yourself, you'll take responsibility for it. So can you prove to me you could?" Jimin raises a brow.
Taehyung pursed his lips and then nods.
"I will.."


Man I'm so sorry if this sucks.

Also Quick question, to all my anime lovers, is My hero Academia worth to watch?

I know that they have like...many seasons & I'm someone who doesn't really enjoy long animes bc I don't like to waste my time.

But, I will reconsider if some of you say that it's nice bc I genuinely am contemplating whether or not I should watch it (´ε` )

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