24. Soft + Bad

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Jimin POV
High school. I can't believe I'm still alive even though school subjects are killing me since kindergarten.
"Hey Tae, when we graduated from this hell, what are you going to do after this?" I asked. Taehyung always have interesting answers so I wonder what he's gonna say.
"A dog"
I furrowed my brows and said "wha..why a dog?"

Taehyung tap his cheek as he pout his lips. "You know, I was going to say stripper, but then my parents will threw me a slipper instead of cash so a dog it is!! becauseeee" he look at me with a box smile. "Dogs can play and sleep, and eat and be cute 24/7!!" He clapped like a seal. I burst out laughing as I shake my head. "My god Tae! Are you serious?!"
"Either that or a kick in the face for being a stripper" Taehyung simply replied.
I just laughed at his ridiculousness.

Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn my head, surprised to see Jeon Jungkook, the bad boy leaning his face closer to me. "/gulp/ y-yes???" I said, unsure. He titled his head and smirk. "Wanna eat lunch with me after this?" He asked. I look down at my chubby fingers so he couldn't see my pink cheeks. I mean, who doesn't like him? I've had a crush on him since...since he existed!
"S-Sure! I l-love too!" I shyly said. He lift up my chin and smirk. "Good, meet me at the rooftop, kitty" he said and pat my head.

I smile widely and buried my face with my hands. "Omg omg omg omg omg" I murmured. "Oooo having a date huh?" Taehyung teased. I glared and punch his stomach. "Shut it bitxh" "Wasss that a compliment? Bc I really did want to be one"


I arrived at the place and sat down on the floor. I look at the time and it read 1:05. He was suppose to be here at 12:30...
Maybe he went to the bathroom? But that long? Ugh..
I decided to not think much and open my bento box. The smell of the food that my dad made was so delicious. Without wasting any time, I grabbed the spoon and scoop the rice and chicken. But I wasn't able to taste it when someone decides to eat it instead of me.

"Yummy~~" Jungkook exclaimed. I blush and smack his chest. "I was..I was eating that!!" I pout. He grin and pole my cheek. "I'm sorry kitty" he said and sat down beside me. "Sorry I'm late, I doze off for a little while" he said.
"/smiles/ it's okay..." I said as I continued eating my food.
"Are you mad?" He asked, staring at me. "Hm..no no" I shake my head.

"Are you sure??" He asked again. I look at him and feed him the food. "Yes I am"
He hummed and lay his head on my shoulder. "Why are you so forgiving?" I heard him murmured. "What do you mean?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
He sigh and look at me with sad eyes.
"Don't you remember when I was so mean to you?"
I thought for awhile and nodded.

Jungkook was standing at his locker, reading the letter that I always give him. He always seem to be happy when he reads them, but I was afraid to approach him.
Sometimes, I would even give him some snacks he likes in his locker. And today was one of them.

I was feeling brave for once as his friends left him alone with his locker and so I took a deep breath and walk towards him. My heartbeat was beating fast as I approach to him.
"J-J-Jungkook??" I stutter. Damn it, I hate it when I do that...
He look at me and his face was blank and cold. "What do you want?" His voice wasn't welcoming, that's for sure.

"Spit it out stupid" he rolled his eyes. Ouch. That kinda hurt.
"Th-The letter...that you're holding..." Immediately he hides it behind him.
"Yeah? What about it?"
"/blushing/ I was the one..who wrote it..." I timidly said. He raise his brow and scoff. "Why should I trust you?" He said.

"Because no one else would have the same hand writing as me, let me prove it to you" I take out a piece of paper and pen and write some words that he may find them familiar in the letters. "There" I gave him the paper which he took.
He read them and his eyes widen.
"Really? Are you fxcking serious?"

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