53: Soft Bean 🐣

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Author POV
"No, I don't like him" Jungkook replied. 17 year old Jungkook was bad at feelings. He was blunt and cold when it comes to people he doesn't like. His friends tried to stop him, but they couldn't anyway, for he is the great Jeon Jungkook. "You know, you should give him a try, he looks really sweet" Seokjin said. Jungkook scoffed as he closed his locker door. "That guy is too annoying, no one wants cotton candy in the morning" He spat. "Oh, but jungkookie, I've already bought you cotton candy!" A high-pitch voice said. Jungkook instantly knew who it was and he glared at him.

"Shut up, you, go away" he said. Jimin pout. "Now that's not very nice, everyone deserves sweets!" Jimin said happily. Jungkook rolled his eyes and just walked away, too lazy to talk to the soft bean. Jimin pout again as he stared at jungkook's figure getting farther away. He looked at Seokjin who only gave him a small smile. "It's okay Jaman, he's just a kid" Jimin hummed and then gave Jin the cotton candy instead. "See you later Hyung!"

It was like Jimin's routine and it never seemed to die down. He would wake up, get dressed, prepare sweet things for Jungkook in the morning and then having to meet him, only to get rejected. Be it chocolate, gummies, a teddy, a comic books, Jimin had given it all to Jungkook but he would just rolled his eyes and walked away. (But the comic books he would still keep)

"Cmon Jaka, you know how much Jaman likes you, give him a chance" Seokjin said. His friends all agreed. "He's cute, selfless, handsome, has an ass-" "Yoongi" Taehyung side eyed him. "As..aspiration I mean" Yoongi mumbled. Taehyung shook his head and looked at Jungkook who had his eyes wide. "You should be lucky to have-"
"Good morning Jungkookie~~" oh that's why his eyes were wide Taehyung thought. When Jungkook wanted to walk away again, Jimin stop him. "Here, for you"

Jungkook looked down and saw a red rose infront of him. He scoffed. "No thanks" jimin sigh and shrugged. "Well I Won't stop you, and if you want to throw it, you can but let's try and think about it like this" Jimin twirled the rose and said "let's say this rose is you" he pointed to the rose at jungkook's chest. "Everyone loves you, takes good care of you and everyone thinks you're handsome" Jimin smiled but then pout sadly. "So if you were to throw it away, be my guest, it all just means you don't love yourself, you don't care about yourself, you are basically ugly and well..." Jimin looked at him as if he was in disgust.

"You're just trash"

Jungkook was taken aback by the choice of Jimin's words. He had never expected the soft bean to be this harsh. Although from outside, Jungkook's face remained emotionless as Jimin gave him the rose. His heart couldn't seem to throw it away.

You're just trash

Jungkook hates being called that. "Whatever, im still throwing it" He spat. Jimin shrugged. "Okay then, bye bye" When Jungkook thought Jimin had left. "Almost forgot" Jimin sang. Just when jungkook's about to yell at him, Jimin grabbed his shirt and-

Oh fxck

Jimin kissed him on the cheek.

He pulled away and winked. "Bye~~~"
His Hyungs were surprised and looked at jungkook's reaction. "...Jaka??" Jin said.

For the whole day, Jungkook could not think or focus on anything the teacher had said as he remembered his foe, Park Jimin. 

Then the routine seemed to changed. Instead of Jimin buying gifts for Jungkook, he gave Jungkook a kiss, a hug and a rose instead. and whenever Jimin does it, Jungkook couldn't seemed to fight back. He couldn't throw away the rose since Jimin's words kept repeating, he couldn't push Jimin away from the hug because his scent was so refreshing and smelled like home and the kisses, he would just end up blushing madly.

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