25.Mentos 🍬

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Jungkook POV
There he is again. I giggled softly since I am currently stalking my crush behind this wall. People might think I'm stupid bc why would a boy that can't see without his glasses and can't live without comics would ever stalk someone who is cold to everyone.
The answer that I think would be "Opposites attract".

"Yah" A painful twist on my arm made me flinch and I turn to see Hoseok hyung. "Wh..Why'd you do that? That hurts!" I said angrily, rubbing my arm to soothe the pain.
"/laugh/ You've been standing behind this wall for 15 minutes since I let you see your crush, and I'm hungry" he said.

I pout and shake my head. "give me 5 more minutes!" I said. Hoseok stares at me with boredom and said "No, I'm hungry, and we need food now let's go" and he pulled my arm, dragging me away from my sightseeing.
"No..." I murmured.


"Geez Jungkook, don't glare at me like that, I'm sorry" hoseok said, raising both his arms up. I chomp down the burger angrily. "You can eat alone next time, I'm going to see Jimin hyung from now on" I said. He whine. "Okay okay, I'm sorry, but no offence but he still doesn't know your presence after a year of you stalking him"

"Well damn hoesuck, no offence but it's been 2 years since Yoongi last touched you" I spat. He gasp and hit my shoulder. "W-We're taking I-It slow!" He stutter. I burst out of laughter and said "Okay..whatever you say."
"Sh-Shut up!"


I close my eyes as I inhale and exhale. I have been thinking on how to approach him and I hope it works. "If I embarrassed myself, then I can just...make myself some soup and cry..." That is such a bad idea but I have no other option.
I walk towards him, feeling all sweaty and tap his shoulder. When he turned around, I swear I couldn't breathe. He look way more better closer.
"What do you want? Can't you see that I'm reading?" He said coldly.

But rude. "Um...want a..mentos?" I asked, showing him the candy. He raised his brow and said "Is this a prank? Cuz if it is, you can kiss my ass"
Oh I would love that very much. "/shakes head/ no no no! I'm a nice person! I mean no harm.." I said.
He still had that are-you-sure face but still took one. "Wait!" I stop him. He look annoyed and said "what now?"

"Uh..read it" he look down at the mentos and look back at me. "It says high five"
"Oh great! High five!" I raise my hand. He high five me and puts the candy into his mouth. "Cool" he simply said.
I bit my lip as I played with my fingers.
"Don't you have somewhere to be? Why are you still here?" He asked.

"Oh! Uh, bye! See you tmr!" I waved at him but he didn't wave back as he rolled his eyes and went back to his book.
But nonetheless, I still kept giggling all the way back home, remembering the moments.

Next day
"Hello!" I said confidently. He sigh. "You again? Why'd you want?" He asked, uninterested. "Mentos?" I wave the candy. He shrug and I gave him.
"Now, what does it say today?" I asked. He look at it and said "Moonwalk"
I clap my hands together and asked him to do it.

"Who do you think I am? Michael Jackson?" "Aww please?? I know you can do it" I made puppy eyes, hopefully to make him do it. He gulp and sigh. "Fine but only this time" and he stood up. "Yay you're the best!" I cheered.
He rolled his eyes but did what he was suppose to do. And he effortlessly did it.
"Wahhhhh you're so cool!!" I clap my hands.

He sneered at me. "Why don't you do it?"
"M-Me? No, I'm ba-" he pulled me closer to him which made me blush. "I'll teach you, it's easy" he teached me for a few minutes and then I did it as what he told. I'm surprised he didn't snap at me when I made a wrong move. When I successfully did it, I did a little happy dance which made him sneered again.
"There, see? You're a natural" he said, smiling slighty.
"Well...that's because you're a great teacher." I shyly said.

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