35. Do you even love me? 💔 2

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Author POV
"So if I were to confess to you, would you like me?"


Jimin's eyes were wide to hear Jungkook saying that. His childhood friend that is infront of him likes a person like him?
"Stop joking its not funny" Jimin spat. The way Jimin said it made Jungkook's eyes tear up. He tried holding it back and said "I'm not joking, I fxcking like you Park Jimin! Ever since we were 5!"
Jimin shake his head as he stood up. "You can't like me! I like girls! I already told you so!"

"Are you tho?" Jungkook said, standing up as well. "I think you're confused over your own sexuality, you weren't even sure if you like girls, I can tell it" Jimin scoffed. "Since when are you a detective huh?" "You're just too obvious hyung, I've known you for years and in those years, my heart never stop beating for you" They both were so close to each other and Jungkook took that opportunity to hold Jimin's hand.

"I like-no, I love you, I've always have, I've been bottling up my feelings because I was scared you would reject me and then you wouldn't want me to be your best friend anymore" Jungkook sigh. "It hurts me that you would push me away when I'm clingy, tease me with not so nice words, jokingly saying that you hate me, I hate it, I hate it all" Jungkook spat.

Jimin felt guilty. He never meant to hurt Jungkook, he was still so confuse with his feelings. He doesn't even know if he could return the feelings for Jungkook when he's not sure of it yet. "So please...please tell me that..you felt something, even just a little.." Jungkook begged. Jimin gulped. What am I gonna do??
"I...I.." Jimin gulped again.

"I...don't like you.."

Jungkook knew that was his answer and yet hearing it now, made his heart shattered into pieces. "I just see you as a brother and a friend" Jimin pulled away from Jungkook grasp, not knowing that it made jungkook's heart feel even worse. "If you were a girl, maybe I would date you" Jimin said but instantly regrets it seeing jungkook's eyes were full of anger.
Jungkook scoffed. "Oh so now I have to dress up like a girl just so you could actually like me?!"

"N-No that's not what-" "Just shut up hyung!"Jungkook yelled, making Jimin pressed his lips together. "Why am I even friends with you? All you do is give me heartbreaks and the worst part is, you don't even realized it.." Jimin felt like shxt now that he's seeing his best friend tears kept pouring down.

"I'm sorry.." Is all Jimin can say.
"Sure" Jungkook spat, wiping his tears. He turned his back on Jimin and started to walk away but stop to looked at him again. He only smile sadly and said "I'm sorry that I love you.."
And finally left.

Jimin lips quivered as he look down. "J-Jungkook..I'm so sorry.." He murmured as tears came pouring down. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming and he looked up. His eyes lit up seeing Jungkook coming back. "Jungkook.." He quickly ran towards him. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, he really wanted to apologize for being a jerk.
Jimin stop his run and smile widely as he tried to give Jungkook a hug. "I'm so glad you came bac-"

That's when Jungkook bend down and pick up his food.  He looked at Jimin with a blank eye and simply said "I forgot my noodles..."
And then finally left again.

Jimin was devastated and confused

After getting rejected by his crush, he ran back to Yugyeom's house and kicked on the door repeatedly. When Yugyeom already open the door, he chuckled when he saw that his friend was wearing blue pajamas but soon gasped in shock when he sees the sofa that was covered with pillows and a fluffy blanket. There was also snacks and drinks on the coffee table and it made Jungkook smile softly.

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