87:Sweet Chaos

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Author POV
A horrifying howl had woken up Jeon Jungkook from his slumber. The howl sounded like it was about to attack anyone who comes towards it. But to Jungkook, it was his alarm, a wake up call for him to start his day.

As the Devil King.

He groans slightly as he stretches his arm, twisting and turning his body until he finally relaxes with a sigh escaping his lips. He looks around and finds his butler, Min Yoongi, a 270 year old demon ghost doing his chores. Which consist of just him replacing books with new ones for Jungkook to read.
"Butler Min?" Yoongi turns around and bows at him.
"Yes my king"
"Tell that ugly fire wolf to shut up now, I'm awake" Jungkook says. Yoongi nods.
"With pleasure"

Yoongi walks towards the window, opens them as wide as he could and grabs his gun. Or in this case, a water gun, and shoots the wolf's fire fur. When it got hit, the wolf whined in pain and whimpered sadly before dropping down to the ground and turned into ashes. Yoongi smile satisfied.
"Has it gone?" Yoongi nods.
"Yes my king, but it will come back soon, the ashes were just nothing" Jungkook chuckles.
"Good job, and might I say, that is a very detailed gun you have there. Where did you buy it? The hell store?" Yoongi shakes his head.

"I went to earth and went to this shop which they call it as Toys"R"Us and the weapon I chose appears to look like a gun but it was just a toy. I think they call it as...Nerf guns"
"Ah. I see. Well good job"
"Thank you my king"


Jungkook's day as a Devil King were pretty boring in his opinion. He had nothing to do except watched people do work or send them for task they need to do. The only fun thing that could happen in his place was either visiting earth or shoot fire animals.
With water guns of course. He usually remained in his fancy blazing red leather chair while tapping a beat with his fingers, looking at everyone with his red eyes.

"How boring could a king's life be? With no entertainment or whatsoever" Jungkook exclaimed angrily. "This is just unacceptable" with that thought, he stood up from his seat and grabbed his staff, a magical wand he often used to wish himself to go to earth.
He grabbed his butler's shoulder and looked at him.
"Butler Min, tell the others to continue their job, I will be back after a few weeks, until then, make sure the place is red and hell" Yoongi nods at that.

"Are you sure you would want to be wearing that?" Jungkook looks down and scans his outifit. He then look up and furrowed his eyebrows.
"What do you mean? Do I not look beautiful?"
"Well to me, you look like a caveman but I guess fashion will be fashion so I will not stop you" Jungkook hums.
"Alright, now" he twirls the staff up in the air and slams the end of the staff on the floor, making a giant hole appear infront of Jungkook.
Jungkook gave a smirk at his butler and wave at him.


"Jimin you've got a customer" Jimin hums as a responce.
"In a minute" he says and dabs on some more concealer on his eyebags and a quick lip gloss on his plump lips.
"Jimin, you got no minute anymore, your customer is waiting" his boss says angrily. Jimin rolls his eyes. He put back his makeup inside his makeup bag and stood up, making sure the sound of his chair screeching annoyingly for his boss to hear. Jimin walked towards the exit but before that, he gave a glare at his boss, trying hard not to spit on him.

"You should be glad that people still come here because of me boss" Jimin spat. His boss smirk, his hand came at Jimin's cheek and gave a hard slap before glaring at him.
"Go back out there and do your job, slut" he said. Jimin growled but said nothing and walked away.

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