16.Space 2

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Author POV
After they made up, Jungkook started to become more clingy to Jimin. Jimin wasn't complaining bc he thought it was cute. But he was kinda worried. Jungkook was starting to act like a baby.

"Jungkook?" Jimin woke up, not being able to find Jungkook beside him while he was sleeping. He searched everywhere until he heard sniffs coming from the corner of the sofa. "Kook..?" Jimin look down to find his tall boyfriend crying while having his face buried on in-between his legs. "Oh my god kook, are you okay??" Jimin panicked and quickly hugged Jungkook tightly. He placed jungkook's head onto his chest, whispering comforting words for Jungkook to hear.

"I'm here...I'm here...don't worry jungkookie..." Jimin whispered, stroking jungkook's hair gently. Jungkook just wrapped his arms around Jimin's shoulder, sobbing.
Jimin was panicking, he seldom sees Jungkook cry this much and he doesn't know when it will stop if he don't do anything.

Jimin then thought about something. Jungkook has been coloring books, watching Winnie the Pooh while he thought Jimin wasn't looking and casually putting his thumb in his mouth. Jimin decided to test this just to make sure.
"Baby, do you want milk?" Jimin asked softly. Jungkook's body stop shaking and he looked up.

"R...Really??" Jungkook's eyes were bright when he heard the sound of milk. Jimin nodded, smiling. "I um..I happen to have chocolate cake and banana milk too! Does..Kookie want some?" Jimin asked. Jungkook grin and wiped his tears with his sleeves. "Want want!" Jungkook nodded furiously.
Jimin giggled. He helped Jungkook up and held his hand, leading them to the kitchen.


Jimin smile at his messy boyfriend. Jungkook was eating the cake as if his life depended on it. His mouth was covered with chocolate but Jungkook didn't seem to care.
"Jung-Jungkookie /laugh/ You look like a monster!" Jimin said. Jungkook glared cutely and shook his head. "Nu! Me not monster! Kookie is iwon man!" Jungkook proudly said. Jimin rolled his eyes, "yeah, a messy one unfortunately" and wiped the chocolate off his mouth.

Jungkook giggled cutely, immediately putting his thumb into his mouth. Jimin gasped. "Baby! Your fingers are dirty! Wash your hand first!" Jimin nagged like a mom. Jungkook whined, shaking his head. "Nu wanna! Jungkookie is fine!"
Jimin ignored that and grabbed jungkook's hand, washing his hand.
Now Jungkook was whining even more. "Nuuuuuuu why Jiminie do mwean!!"
Jimin sigh. "Jungkookie~ I'm doing this bc I love you~" Jimin cupped his cheeks and kiss them. "You know I will never hurt you right?"

Jungkook pout but nodded. "/smiles/ come on...lets get back to bed.." And with that, they headed straight to bed.


Jungkook fucked up. He just knew it. He ruined their relationship bc he was in baby space and didn't even realize it.
"No no no..I can't lose him! H-He's going to think I'm w-weird..." Jungkook said out loud. Jimin was gone and Jungkook couldn't help but think that Jimin really did leave him forever.
"I ca-can't do this...fxck..no.." Jungkook covered his face, hoping everything was a dream.


"Kook! Are you even here?!?" Jimin had been yelling jungkook's name for the 100 time and there was still no response.
Jimin sigh in frustration. "He's not in the room, not in the bathroom, not even at the corner!" Jimin walked back and forth, thinking where else his stupid yet handsome boyfriend could be.
He snapped his fingers, finally having the answers.
"The playground!"

He grabbed his jacket and his special things and head out.

15 minutes later.

Jimin spotted his boyfriend who was on the swings, looking down at his feet. He slowly walked towards him and crouch down. "Hello baby" Jimin said, smiling, even though he was tired from running. Jungkook blinked and stood up, sitting on another swing.
"/frown/ baby~ what's wrong?" Jimin walked again and Jungkook repeated the same thing.

Jimi could sense he was definitely sad and stress so he take his special thing.
Jimin crouch down to look at jungkook's face. "Look at me" "no" Jungkook shake his head. "I won't repeat Jeon" Jimin said sternly. Jungkook look at Jimin and Jimin smile, showing Jungkook a plastic bag.
"Wanna know what is it?" Jungkook with his doe eyes looked at the bag curiously.

Jimin asked Jungkook to put his hand and take out the first thing he hold. Jungkook obeyed and put his hand in.
He took it out and gasped. "P-P-Pooh bear?!?" Jungkook yelled excitedly. Jimin giggled loudly. "Yes baby! Do you like it?"
Jungkook wanted to nod but he smile sadly and shook his head. Jimin smile faded and he cup jungkook's cheek.
"What happen? Please tell me" Jimin said. "I dun wanna" "baby, I love you so much, please tell me" Jimin begged.
Jungkook was silence for awhile. "I...I th..think Hyung...hates me..."

Jimin widen his eyes. "What? No! I will never hate you!"
"But I'm, I'm weird, I don't act my age, I love toys, I love being pampered, I love being.." Jungkook look down, feeling ashamed. "A baby..." He whispered the last part, hoping Jimin didn't hear it. But Jimin heard it clearly.
"Kookie, you think I didn't know?" Jungkook furrowed his brows. "What?"
"/smiles/ I knew something was not right, you were acting like a baby and sure I thought it was cute but I was worried so I decided to checked on the Internet and the first thing they said was 'little space' "

Jimin placed a peck on jungkook's forehead. "You're not alone Kookie, there are also people who are just like you" He placed a peck on jungkook's lips and continued. "If it makes you happy, I support it, I can be your caregiver, I will buy you toys as much as you want, I will feed you and pamper you so you could be my sweet Jungkookie again, I will do it, just for you"

Jungkook's lips wavered and he burst into tears. "Th-Th-Thank you!!" He ended up pushing Jimin till they hit the sand.
Though Jimin was sure he was going to die like a pancake with sand but Jungkook needed him so he doesn't mind.
"/strokes jk's hair/ I love you..." Jimin said. Jungkook look up and kiss his lovers lips.
"I love you too"

2 years later
Jungkook started to become more comfortable as a little towards Jimin. Jimin kept his words and bought lots of toys, pacifier, onesie and bottles.
"Dada bought kook toys????" Jungkook just woke up from his slumber and was currently drinking milk bottle.

Jimin shook his head. "No kook, I bought this instead" He showed new sets of color pencils and a new coloring book. "/gasp/ Dada is the best!!" Jungkook yelled and pampered Jimin's face with kisses. Jimin laugh and pinched jungkook's cheek for him to stop. "Okay Kookie, I love you too now let's get you all fresh up"

And so they had their bath time together in the bathtub. Jungkook sigh happily and lean his head on Jimin's chest while playing with Jimin's hands.
"Yes baby?" Jimin said while washing Jungkook's hair. "Thank you for loving Kookie.." Jungkook turn his head to see Jimin's reaction.
Jimin smile and said "I will always love you, Jungkook or Kookie, you're still precious to me"

Jungkook clap his hand together. "Yay yay yay!" Jimin just giggled and cup Jungkook's jawline.
"Come here my sweet baby" Jimin said before capturing their lips together for a passionate kiss.


Hope it doesn't end up bad. I hope you guys enjoy it tho 😊

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