149. Enemies

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Somewhat proofread

If you see other names...

You didn't.

Author POV

There was a loud slam coming from the door, to the point that Jungkook could feel the vibration of the walls. He didn't bother checking up the source of the noise- only a drunk mule was capable enough to disrespect the importance of a door.



The blonde (Jm) 'tried' walking towards the male, whom was occupied with another purchase of a book yet again. Despite his bulk figure, Jungkook was fond of romance novels, he just doesn't do relationship; they're complicated.

Even with Jimin's drunk state, he knew that his rOomAtE was reading a new book. He pointed a finger at him as his lips spoke, "You are wasting your time with that..that...book"
Jimin hiccuped as he continued,

"You have all these books  yet you can't afford a haircut!"

Jungkook clicks his tongue.

Calmly, he replied, "Maybe you should brush your teeth first before we have another conversation, you seem to have poor dental hygiene,".
Jimin was pretty offended.

"I HAVE NICE BREATH!" He yells. His skin starts to turn red, possibly from anger and embarrassment. Jungkook was not amused as he finally look at him. "You're right, you do"

The blonde smiles in victory.

"You just need to learn how to shut the fuck up" Jungkook puts down his book and stands up so he could ignore the drunk male Infront of him. Meanwhile Jimin was angry yet again.

"Why y-you..you!"

Not a minute was wasted as Jungkook felt his wrist being pulled and the male hoisted a fist, it was like an instinct for him as he hated people touching him. However, he didn't land a punch when he realized Jimin, the Jimin looked a little too pitiful to his liking.

The taller calmed down as he put down his fist, a confused look plastered on his face. He asked, "What's wrong with your face?"

Just like that, the blonde broke.

"Jungkook you son of a bitch!" He yells and his eyes starts to water which made the mullet hair uncomfortable. He had never seen this side of his roomate. He tries to pull himself away but it only made the blonde pull him closer.

"Don't fucking push me away" Jimin's hands moved towards Jungkook's face and he squishes his cheeks like they were mochi.

"Am I that annoying to you? How much insults will it take for you to treat me nicely? You know I don't deserve this and I know I deserve better so what's the point of us being friends-"

"We're not friends" Jungkook grabs both the blonde' hand, pulling them away from his cheeks. He wipes the tingling sensation from his face as he looks at him with a nonchalant expression. That somehow annoyed the blonde even more- he wanted a reaction, not a stone.

"Don't you care? I've been your roommate for I don't know- years?! And everyday you'll always pick a fight with me!"

Jungkook scoffs, folding his arms.
"I'm not the problem, you always cause a scene, I'm merely explaining my point for you"

"Hah! I don't need points!" Maybe it was the alcohol that made Jimin emotional or maybe he was on his period (he thought), somehow he felt bitter that Jungkook didn't seem to care. As if he was ready to throw him away in a heartbeat. Jungkook was never the type to express himself ever since they met, no one could make out what he was thinking.

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