29. My % love

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Author POV
When you're in love, you always feel happy. Well in this case, every human will have like a battery percent on their wrist that shows how happy you are with someone. 100% is always the happiest of course. But if someone you like or a lover makes you sad, the numbers will go lower and when it reaches 0%, this person won't remember their lover and instead will find someone else and move on.

And now the story begins

"Hi Kookie! Do you want to play with me?" Little Jimin asked. He finds the little bunny human is quite interesting. Little Jungkook however remained blank. "...no" little Jimin pout. "But Kookie never wants to play with chimchim!" Jungkook stood up and said "Don't wanna, bye" little Jimin sigh. "Okie then..."


Jimin's eyes widen. "Mommy say if chimchim numbers go down..." He caresses his wrist. "Then it means chimchim feels sad..." Jimin sniff sadly but wipe his eyes. "It's okay...Kookie still young..chimchim understands"
When the two Busan boys turned 17, Jimin became more clingy towards Jungkook. "Cmon Kookie! There's ramen on sale!" Jimin said. Jungkook look at him weirdly. "Hyung it's not that expensive, you can buy ramen anytime" Jimin shake his head and said "I want to save money, and this is the perfect opportunity!" Jungkook roll his eyes as he pushed him away. "Get out of here Jimin, I'm tired" "But"
"No, go buy it yourself jeez..."


Jimin look at his wrist and smile sadly. "Why do I still cling onto him when he doesn't even want me?" What's even more heartbreaking is when his eyes landed on Jungkook holding hands with his girlfriend.


His eyes brimmed with tears but he kept his head down. "Damn it..."


As Jimin turned 22 and just recently celebrate his birthday, Jungkook pulled Jimin in Jimin's kitchen and asked these words. "Go out with me" He almost
couldn't breath. "W-What?"
"You heard me" Jungkook step closer until Jimin felt the counter as he went backwards.
"Go.out.with.me" Jungkook whisper in Jimin's ear and smile shyly. "Please..."
"But...you use to date with Lisa.."


Jungkook smile faded and he sigh, feeling ashamed. "I know...it was bc that time...I thought that I was only into girls....not guys..." Jungkook look at Jimin with guilt. "I'm sorry that I hurt you...but I swear...me and her.../scoff/ we are sooo over" Jimin giggled bc Jungkook acted like a mean girl during the last part.
"If this is a prank then I will kill you ya know?" Jimin said. Jungkook chuckle as he interwine their fingers together. "Trust me hyung..." He kissed Jimin's hand softly and continued "I promise you.."

Jimin tried to find any hint of lie but jungkook's doe eyes shows nothing of it. So he said
Jungkook squealed in delight as he spin Jimin around before capturing his lips on his thin lips. "I like you..I really really like you hyung"
Jimin laugh in between the kiss. "I like you too"
Angst time my dudes

"Hey Kookie!" Jimin yelled happily as he latches himself to Jungkook. "Aish hyung, don't do that" Jungkook said, annoyed.


"Oh sorry.." Jimin let go and decided to sit down beside him. Jungkook ruffle his hair out of frustration since the projects he doing right now was due till Wednesday and he only managed to do half of it. Jimin seem to notice the distressed look on jungkook's face and so he asked "Do you want coffee? Or something to eat?"
Jungkook huff and said "no thanks"
"Want me to help then?" Jimin asked softly. "I said no hyung, why can't you understand?" Jungkook spat coldly. Jimin flinch at those words and it really did hurt a little.

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