27. Kahoot 👾

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Jimin POV
"Hey jiminie hyung, wanna play kahoot?" Jungkook asked. I furrowed my brows and said "Kaboom?"
"No Pabo, Kahoot" he said. "What the heck is a kahoot? A parrot?" I asked. Jungkook had his mouth opened and I know that he was so done with me. "Yes I am a very old person who does not know what is Karoot"

"Aish whatever!" I said annoyed. He laugh and then said "It's like a game where you pick which answer is the correct one, like exam"
"I don't like exam" I blurted out. "Me too but this one is fun! And the song is really cute"
"Yes bc it reminds me of you hyung" I blushed and Jungkook earned a punch in the gut for making me feel this way.

"Anyway hyung, do you wanna play with me?" He asked again. I shrug my shoulders. "Sure, I'll give it a try"
He smile and pulled me to his room and closing the door after that. "Okay so I already have the app on my phone, but you can play with my laptop" he said. I nodded and grabbed it. We both sat down on the bed and He explained the details on the game and I was already ready to play.

"Ready hyung?" He raised his eyebrow.

The game started with a question
Who in Bts is a 95 liner?

"Pff that's easy!" I quickly answered and notice there were others who played. "Wait, who's playing with us?" I asked. "Oh the rest of them, your parents and mine, it's boring if it's just the two of us" he simply said.
"What? Jungkook why our parents?!" I slap his shoulder. "Heyyy anyone can play!" He protest.

The results came and everyone got correct.

Except for...

"Who is....Yoonyoonthegreat?" I asked, this person didn't seem to answer the first question. "Yoongi" "oh..which means.."
"He's sleeping" we both said together and burst out laughing.
"Okay next!" Jungkook said and we both continued to the second one.

Who in Bts is always late?

"Aish this person that created this questions is teasing me" I groaned. "Well, it's not army's fault that hyung is late, it's part of your charm" I glared at him as I click the answer while mouthing "I hate you"
The results came and some got me while others answered differently.

Who's iq is 128?

"That's easy! It's us!" I said and clicked the answer. "So hyung do you enjoy this game?" He asked. "Of course I do, and you're right, the song is cute-oh! We should perform using this song! It'll be fun!" I said and burst out laughing just by thinking bout it.
"Hyung that's just weird..." He furrowed his brows. "Hey when are we not tho?"

We continued to play and I had the feeling that this person seem to like having questions about us. But not that I mind, at least I get to win.
"What the-How in the world did Yoongi hyung managed to get first place??" I said, looking at the score. Jungkook shrug. "It will remain a mystery..."
I whine. "But I was so close to be first! This isn't fair!" Jungkook cooed as he pinch my cheeks. "Don't be sad baby~ You'll always be number one to me!"
I giggled as slap his chest. "Stop it! You brat!" I yelled while covering my blushing face.
He grin and shake his head.

Jiminie hyung and I look good together. Don't you think so?
Who said this?

"/blushing/ kook did..." Jungkook smile as he pat my head. "I know right?"
Aish he needs to stop making my heart flutter so much....

Jungkookie is a cutie. He's mine
Who said this?

"Ohhh of course it's jiminie hyung!" He teased. "Yah you brat! Cut it out!" I yelled. He stuck his tongue out. "Not my fault hyung said this"

I love you so much hyung, thank you for taking care of me ❤️
Who said this?

"Um.." I bit my lip, trying to think who would said this.
"Taehyung?" I murmured. "T-Taehyung? Why him?" Jungkook asked. But I know that he's jealous, judging by the angry look he's given me. "It just feels like something he would say..."
"W-why not me huh?" He said angrily. I chuckle and pat his head. "Maybe you did answer this too but I still choose Tae-ah man it was actually you, I got it wrong!" I huff.
He clap his hands and said "Next time, choose your answer wisely!"

Your smile makes me happy, your laughter is like music to my ears, your cheekiness never fails to make me laugh, you are beautiful inside and out, and that's why I love you and I promise to be there for you like how you did for me too.

I felt tearing up when I read this. But no one has ever said this before...I'm sure of it...
"This is so sweet..." I smile at the choice of words of whoever said this. Maybe I should answer jk...
"Oh my god that is the right answer..." I widen my eyes at that.

Last question

Will you marry me?

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Will you marry me?

My heart stop for a second. I look at him and was surprised he was staring back at me.
"Is..is this for real?" My eyes felt wet all of the sudden. He smile and said "Well hyung...yes or no?" He take out a white box and I gasp when I saw a rose gold ring in it.
I bit my lips as I nodded, clicking my answer.

"Yes!" He grin and immediately pulled me into a kiss.

On que, the members, jungkook and my parents entered the room, cheering for us.
"My son has grown up! Oh I am so proud of you!" My mom said.
"Ah, our son as well" jungkook's dad said, smiling proudly.
"Oh my god Namjoon did you get it all? You need to send the video after this!" Jin hyung said while slapping Namjoon's shoulder repeatedly. "Haha yes yes.." Namjoon answered.

I giggled as I pull away from the kiss. "Thank you guys and you!" I look at Jungkook. "You created those questions didn't you?"
"Aish hyung, I thought you would notice already" he said tiredly. "You brat! You know exactly how to tease me!"'
Everyone laugh at out bickering.

Outside the dorm.
Strong arms were wrapped around my waist and a chin resting on my shoulder and it's non other than Jeon Jungkook.
"Were you surprised baby?" He asked softly. I hummed. "I didn't expect anything honestly, but it was definitely the most sweetest proposal ever"
We both stared at each other and lean in for a kiss.

He pulled away first and sigh happily. "I told you that we will get married..I never break promises" "hm yeah yeah, and I'm glad that I'll get to be Jeon Jimin after this"
He giggled as he interwined our hands together, swaying us side to side.
"I can't wait"


This is terrible.

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