89:My Lover

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Jungkook POV
You don't need him..

You only need me.

I woke up from my slumber, it was a really short nap but either way, I was still tired.
Physically and mentally. I stared at the white wall blank wall and my mind drifted off to where I could be jumping out from the window by now. But I was a coward. I couldn't.
Sighing tiredly, I pick up my phone and check my messages and social media.

"Hey, you don't need to wake up you know? You can just stay here and sleep forever" my depression said. Or in this case, my lover. I guess. I rolled my eyes.
"Shut it, I gotta wake up somehow, the day is almost gonna be over and Jimin is waiting for me" I said. He gave me a smile and stroke my cheek. "Do you really think he's very eager to see you? I'm sure he won't even be there"
"God just-Shut up!" I sat up straight and immediately get out from my bed.

Here's the thing about me,

I see depression.

Just mine only.

The first time it came to me is when I got insecure with my body and looks. He was behind me as I stared at myself in the mirror. He had black hair, very black eyes and his aura was black too.
"Wh-Who are you?" He gave me a smirk and said
"Your worst nightmare"
It was so scary to look at that I tried to avoid it at all cost. I pushed him away, I avoided thinking of him. I tried.

But then I met him.

Park Jimin.

He was...how can I put this?


He was captain in soccer and a very good leader in contemporary dancing. And very nice to look at. Just something about his face...it was so mesmerizing.
"You like him don't you?" I shook my head. I was trying to do my homework but obviously I couldn't. He chuckled and said "I'm pretty sure he doesn't like you, look at you, so ugly, so fat, it's a shame if he dates you"
My eyes build up with tears as he said that.
"That's not true, he might like me"  he lets out a loud laugh.
"Stop trying to be funny, he's not gonna like you. Never"

But Jimin proved him wrong.

Because he was the one that confessed to me first.

"W-Wait! You really do like me?!" I yelled a little loudly which made me cover my mouth. He giggled and uncovered my hands from my mouth.
"Yes Jungkook-ah, did you really think I didn't notice how you would always glance at me every few seconds? And don't forget, when we were science partners, you were shaking so bad when I was trying to teach you how to do the project"
"That's b-because you were holding m-my hand!" I said.
"I was trying to flirt and teach you at the same time silly" he smiled softly.
"So...will you go out with me?"

Say no you fool, he just pity you!

I gulped and stared into his eyes.
"Do you..do you really?" His smile faded as he eyes showed..concerned?
"Why? What's wrong? Oh my god, did I hurt your feelings with my words!" I shook my head. He furrowed his eyebrow.
"Okay? Then..what's wrong?"

Look, he's annoyed at you right now

"I..I'm...I'm not perfect" I said. My eyes were almost tearing up.
"I'm not perfect hyung, I can never be with you because you are perfect" I sniffed.
"I'm sorry.." I look over and saw my depression smiling happily. I heard no responce and I assume that was the end of a starting relationship.

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