136: Alpha Jimin and Omega Jungkook

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Requested by: @btsislife1713

I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected...

Author POV

Park Jimin was an alpha.
Jeon Jungkook was an omega.
The two fell in love deeply and both of them ended up proposing to each other at the same time. Eventually, they got married and mated.
They had a lovely married life but their lives weren't your stereotype of omega, alpha relationship.

Jungkook's father was the CEO of the largest company in Seoul. He was a kind yet strict person. As a CEO, he obviously wanted Jungkook to take over the company since the man had potential. But jungkook refused since 1. He was an omega,
2. No one would take him seriously,
3. He wasn't confident.

"Aigoo Jungkookie, please reconsider. You are my only son and I've taught you basic knowledge on how to take over the company, you can even bring Jimin over everyday if you ever feel lonely" His father said. Jungkook shook his head which made his father laughs. "Oh Jungkook. Fine" He smiled and pat the Omega's head.
"Just take over when I died then"
he says and Jungkook glared.
"You are not going to die"

Jungkook's father died in a car accident 2 days later.

(I'm sorry)

And so to fulfill his father's last wish, Jungkook became a CEO as promised.
The omega was nervous but Jimin was there to help him overcome his insecurity. He helped the omega to become more confident. The taller was a fast learner so Jimin wasn't surprised when Jungkook starts to become more independent. He was proud of how his omega had become.

Soon enough, people who portrayed him as a useless omega, became afraid when they encounter him. Jungkook changed a lot when he was in his CEO role. He was cold yet strict, which made the staffs paid more attention and obeyed everything he said. In reality, he was the most cutest bean Jimin loved.

"Come here love" Jungkook leaps forward and Jimin hugs him tightly.
"Mmm you smell good" The omega sniff his alpha's scent and sighs in delight. "Aren't you just the cutest" Jimin strokes his hair and rocks them both back and forth. They were always cuddling or kissing each other whenever they were alone. You can call them as each other's battery.
"How was work?" Jungkook sighs and Jimin didn't hesitate to cuddle him again.

He knew the taller was emotionally drained whenever he was at work. Jungkook's real personality was only portrayed when he's with his Jimin and his mom. The omega starts to whine in his alpha's chest and Jimin kisses his lips again.

"What's wrong love?" Jimin asked.

"I get the feeling that something bad is about to happen"

"Really?" Jimin believed him because Jungkook would always be right when he listens to his gut. Jungkook nods and continues, "Would you come to me if something bad happened?"
"Of course I would!" Jungkook gasped when Jimin pushes him to the bed.
"I love you!" Jungkook laughs.
"Aggressive much.."


Jungkook's gut was right.

One of the employees, came into his office and demanded to have sex with him. It seems the man secretly was checking out the omega and wanted nothing but having Jungkook inside him. The omega was shock but he hid his real emotions well. He didn't want the man know that he was winning. "Do you know who you are talking to? I'm your boss! I can get you fired!" Jungkook yells. However, the man wasn't fazed. He was an alpha and alpha's were known to make any omega obey them.

"But aren't you too weak to be our CEO? You are an omega right?" Jungkook frozed. He can feel the man's pheromones spreading around the room, it was a technique used by alphas so Omegas/betas would not be able to escape from the alphas grasp.
"Be a good little omega and listen to an alpha, you useless bug"
The man grins evilly.

Jungkook starts to breath heavily. Not only did the man released his pheromones, the man's alpha voice was terrifying to hear. It made Jungkook helpless. "No..no.." the omega started to feel weak and now the man was getting closer. Soon enough, the man was close enough to grab his waist and licks Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook was disgusted. He tries hard to push him away but the man was stronger and Jungkook was getting weaker and weaker.

If I pass out now, I don't know what he'll do..

He starts to panic when the man's hand began to slid inside his pants.


With every last of energy, he yelled..


Just then, the door opened, revealing Taehyung. He was Jungkook's best friend whom also worked there.
"Hey! Let go of him!" Taehyung grabs the man and knocking him out with a single punch. Seeing the man passed out on the floor, Taehyung scoffed.
"What a loser. An alpha that passed by a single punch.." he said.

"Tae..." Taehyung went straight to check on Jungkook. He notice Jungkook's neck was wet and his clothes were almost taken off.
"Oh my god" Taehyung brought the omega into a hug.
"It's okay Jungkook. I'm here"
"No.." he looks up. 
"I want my alpha..I need him..my alpha.."

Jungkook starts to cry.

"I want my Jimin now!"


"Baby!" Jimin came when he heard Jungkook sobbing through the phone.
He didn't want to waste any time so he drove as fast as he can. When he arrived, he saw Taehyung dragging the passed out man out. He was confused at first. "Is he..?" Taehyung nods. "It's him" Jimin gritted his teeth.

All he saw was red.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" The man woke up and he was stunned to see an angry Chihuahua infront of him. "Who the fxck are you-" the man was cut off by Jimin punching his cheek. "Ow!" The man glared.
"What the fxck was that!"

Jimin grabs the closest thing he could find, a chair. He grabs it and threw it to the man, making the man scream in pain. "AHHHH" Jimin grins, feeling satisfied. But not satisfied yet.
He threw the chair off from him and grabs the man's collar, making them both look at each other.
"You.. do you realize what you have done?" Jimin spat. The man gulped.

"Who..who are you?" He asked.

"Who am I?"

Jimin chuckles.

"I'm Jungkook's alpha"

Jimin starts to chokes the man, making him gasped for air. Taehyung didn't try to stop him since he knew he would have been in heaven accidentally.

"And you messed with the wrong person you hopeless orangutan"

Back to the couple,

"He touched you didn't he?" Jungkook nods, sobbing. Jimin wanted to cry. He felt angry that he didn't come sooner. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry" he comforts the taller by pulling him closer into a hug while rocking them back and forth. It was something he does to make Jungkook calm down.
"I'm here my omega, you're safe now"
He pampered the taller's face with kisses, even kissing his hand along the way. Jungkook felt loved instantly.

"Alpha.." he whispered as he starts to sit on Jimin's lap, facing him. Jimin looks at him with heart eyes as he smiles like a dork. "Hello baby~"   Jungkook giggles slightly and they both pressed their lips together into a kiss. "Do you feel better? Or should we go home and shower together?" Jimin wiggles his eyebrows and Jungkook hits him playfully.

"Don't tease me" Jimin laughs and grabs Jungkook by the back of his neck, letting his head rest on the shorter's shoulder. "I won't. I just want to make you feel safe again"
"You already are" Jimin feels calm.
"I see" he cups the taller's cheek and wiggled their nose together. Which led Jungkook to scrunched his nose because it was too ticklish.

But Jimin adored that.

"I love you" he confessed.
"I'll protect you better from now on"
Jungkook smiles. "I love you too" he pecks his alpha's lips. "And I'll be sure to remember your protection forever"



I hope it's good for you. And sorry for being really late \_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/

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