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Requested by:@IGotJamsFor3Dollars
Angst with fluff ending.
Author POV
"Yeah yeah Yoongi hyung, You'll see my face at your house after I see Jimin hyung..okay okay I gotta go see ya!" Jungkook ended the call with a sigh. "He's such a worried grandpa thinking that I can't take care of myself pff" Jungkook shake his head as he thought of Yoongi's face looking pissed and worried.

"I'll be fine!" Jungkook said to himself. He took a deep breath and entered the building where Jimin was currently working, 'Big Hit'. He greeted everyone, smiling and bowing at them. He pressed the elevator button and waited until he has arrived at his destination. He tap his feet impatiently, he hasn't seen Jimin for awhile since he had been having taking photos for famous actors and actress at America. Now that he had 2 month day off, he can finally be with Jimin again.

The elevator ding and opened. Jungkook immediately went out and head straight to where Jimin is probably teaching a choreography. And he was right. He was met with a sight of Jimin dancing looking so breathtaking. His body was moving smoothly like he made for dancing material. Jungkook sat down on the floor as he payed attention towards his serious and talented boyfriend. The music stop and Jimin seemed to be telling them to take a break and practice more if they had time. The trainees nodded their heads and bowed to Jimin.

Jimin sigh tiredly and turned around but he ended up with a hard chest bumping on his nose. "Ack! Yah! That hurts!" Jimin huff while rubbing his nose. "Sorry!" Jungkook panicked as he checked Jimin's face. Jimin eyes widen and gasp. "Omg! When did you came back?!?" Jungkook grinned and waved. "Hi hyung! Oh! I came back like..yesterday but I wanted to surprise you so I didn't call you, You're not mad right? Oh my god are you-"

"/kisses jungkook's lips/ shut up Kookie, I'm not mad, I'm happy you're here now!" Jimin grinned as well and gave Jungkook bone crushing hug. "I miss you"
Jungkook smile softly. "Me too"


Jungkook came to visit Jimin once more, surprising him again. But this time, he was going to frighten him while Jimin is focusing with his work.
He's done it multiple times, and even though it got him a beating with a slipper but jimin would just forgive him after that.
Or so he thought.

On most day, Jimin's boss wouldn't give him much pressure bc Jimin was just perfect of everything, Jimin also never makes a mistake with anything he's working with and all his plans would go perfectly.

Today was not the day.

Apparently, Jimin's boss yelled at him in the morning for being late then during teaching the choreography, he messed up on the dance and he was so stressed that he didn't manage to finish teaching the trainees. And now, he brought the wrong file and they couldn't discuss about it in the meeting. Jimin's mood was 200% all anger until the afternoon.
He was so angry that he didn't notice the presence of his tall boyfriend until he heard

Jimin screamed and he turned around to find Jungkook laughing loudly, clenching his stomach. Normally, Jimin would laugh and joke around but all he see was red. "DONT YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!??!" Jimin screamed.
Jungkook stop laughing. "Hyung, I was only joking around..." Jungkook smile.
Jimin scoffed. "Joking huh?!? All you had to do was knock the door and just fxcking say something! Not scaring the shxt out of someone!!"
Jungkook was confused, what had happened to his Angel hyung?

"Jimin calm down and tell me what's wrong, we can work thi-"
"OH SHUT UP! Don't just pretend you're nice and caring when this is all your fault!" Jungkook was confused and a little hurt but he still smile in hopes to still comfort his hyung.
"My fault? What did I do?"
"If it wasn't for you to asked me to stay in your house and made me sleep really late at night, I wouldn't be late and get yelled at! I wouldn't messed the dance! And bc you were so stupid and just fxcking put my stuff in your junk, I brought the wrong file and now we can't even discuss about it!! This was all your fault!!" Jimin yelled.

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