141: My highschool bully left me End.

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Slight changes because someone requested to change the plot.

Author POV

It was Minnie's birthday today. Jimin surprised her with delicious pancakes and seaweed soup for breakfast. The little girl wanted her birthday party to be at night because she wanted to play fireworks. Taehyung had promised her that he will bring fireworks for her so she was waiting until night time. The male was worried that Jungkook would come. He couldn't sleep well knowing that Jungkook would be outside, waiting.

He hasn't seen Jungkook yet so he was a little relief. However, when the sun shine brightly and clock strike 1pm, Jungkook was outside with a chair prepared and a a box in his hand.
Jimin gasped in shock.
"he actually came?" Jimin bear with the annoyed feeling he had and went outside to confront Jungkook.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook whips his head and smiles. "Birthday gift for Minnie" he said. "I told you yesterday.." "yeah but I didn't think you'll be serious!" Jimin groans. "What the hell are you going to do if my fiancee sees you here?"
"I don't care. I'm staying. I wanna give Minnie a present"
"Ugh" Jimin grumbled under his breath and he stomp his foot until his house.

Minnie actually saw Jungkook from the window and she wanted to go outside to say hi but Jimin warned her not to, that made the little girl sad. She still obeyed nonetheless. While Jimin was away, Minnie would sneakily peek through the window and watches Jungkook sitting on the chair with a smile on his face. The taller saw the little girl and waved at her, Minnie waved back.

Time pass, the sun was still hot. Jungkook was burning under the sun as sweat formed on his forehead. He managed to wipe his sweat and proceed to stay as he is without thinking of drinking any water. Soon after, Taehyung came and saw Jungkook. He furrowed his eyebrows as he approached the man carefully.
"OI you" Taehyung crosses his arms, trying to look intimidating.

"Who are you?" Jungkook eyes him. He was unsure of who this man was but it looked like he came for Jimin. The man looked good looking..could he be.. "Are you Kim Taehyung?" He asked. Taehyung nods, confused. "Yeah how'd you know?"
"Oh..um I.."
"Baby!" Jimin ran towards the male and Taehyung immediately unwraps his arms, pulling the shorter closer to him.

Taehyung breaths into the scent of Jimin's sweet vanilla perfume and pulls away to look directly at him.
"You look so good today" Jimin blushes. "Thank you.."
"By the way.."  Taehyung leans towards his ear and whispers,
"Who is this guy?" Jimin mentally rolls his eyes. He couldn't stand looking at Jungkook right now. He managed to give his fiance a fake smile and said "I'll explain later. For now, he's a nobody"

"Woah fireworks!" Minnie clap her hands excitedly. It was night time and just as Taehyung promised, He brought fireworks and lit it up for her to enjoy. The little girl jumped happily, watching the beautiful fireworks light up the night sky. Taehyung pulled Jimin closer to him and pecks his cheeks. Jimin smiles and enjoyed his company.

By now, it was already 10pm.

Jungkook was still outside. He only had breakfast which meant he didn't eat lunch and dinner yet for several hours now. He was getting hungry, tired, sweaty, his skin burns a bit. But jungkook stood his ground and waited outside still, with the present in his hands. "I have to wait. I wanna see Minnie's reaction to this" Jungkook says to himself. Just then, he heard footsteps coming towards him. "still not giving up?" Oh. That was Jimin's voice. Jungkook looks up and smiles.
"Good evening Jimin"
"Yeah evening too. Look Jeon" the man starts. "You look tired and I almost feel sorry for you so go home and give me that present to me. I'll give Minnie by myself"

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