104:The Prince and The Vampire

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Author POV
"Oh~Jimin~" The pink hair groaned in annoyance when he heard the same deep voice that always pestered him everyday. The taller flew until he was infront of Jimin and grinned, his sharp teeth showing.
"Where are you going Sweet cheeks?" "None of your business Jungkook" Jimin spat. Jungkook shed a fake a tear and said "I was only asking sweet cheeks and isn't it rude to act like that considering that you are a prince?" Jimin puff out his cheeks and only ignored the male as he continued his journey.

Jungkook notices that Jimin was holding a tray full of red donuts, making Jungkook lick his lips. "Can I have one Sweet cheeks?" Jungkook asked nicely.
"Hmph, no! You cannot!" Jimin says. Jungkook grumbled but tries again.
"May I pleasee have one my prince?" Jimin sticks out his tongue and walks away faster.
Jungkook watches the tiny prince walking angrily and laughs.

"Here you go Y/N the human" Jimin hands the red donuts to Y/N.
"Aww thanks Jimin, you're the best! Jake will love this!" Y/N says. Jimin smiles proudly but it fades when he saw Jungkook sucking out the red color of the donut. "Hey! Those aren't yours! It's Y/N!" He yelled.
Jungkook chuckles and looks at Y/N.
"Oh I'm sure Y/N doesn't mind right?" Y/N shrugs.
"Yeah, it's nice to share anyways-"
"No! These aren't for jungkook and that's final!" Jimin grabs the donut that was in Jungkook's hand and throws it out from the window.

"Yo! That's not cool Jimin! I really don't mind-"
"But I do" Jimin glares at him. Jungkook glares back.
"You know what? I was trying to be nice to you but all you do is push me away again" Jungkook spat.
"It's your fault!"
"Excuse me?! I asked you nicely for it!" They both fought infront of Y/N, making Y/N panicked.
They quickly look at jake and said "Yo joke! Do something!"
Jake was busy making sandwiches for his wife but stopped when he realized Jimin and Jungkook's were getting heated.

"You're not worried that you'll get fat?!" Jungkook spat.
"You're not worried that your love life is low like your self esteem?!" Jimin spat back.

"Okay okay you two! Chill out!" Jake grabbed both of them and stretches his body so he could make them both sit outside. "Now you two sit on top of our roof, tree thingie and think about what you've done!" Jungkook hissed angrily at jake, his eyes glowed red while his fangs showed.
Jake screamed like a girl and ran back to the house, making sure he locked the door.
"Hey, did Jungkook bite you?" Y/N said.
"No but he did looked angry" Jake wiggles his body, shaking off the thought of Jungkook's fangs.
"He's so scary"
"Yeah..,but he's cool" Y/N says.


Jungkook and Jimin both sat in silence. The smaller looked at the right while Jungkook looked forward.
The taller looked at him slightly and raise his brow.
"Did you dye your hair more brighter?" Jungkook asked.
"That's none of your business Jeon." The taller ignored him and stroke Jimin's hair.
"Your hair is so soft" Jungkook chuckles.
"Get your hands off me-" Jungkook cuts him off by pushing him to the ground and pinned both his arms at his head.
"Hey! Let go of me-"
"Why do you hate me so much hm? Did I do something wrong?" Jimin tried his best to kick Jungkook but the taller was stronger.

"Was it because of my handsome face?"
"No you silly"
"Was it because I pester you during your lab test?"
"Was it because I kept sucking the juice of your strawberry milk?"
"No! It's because you think that hooking up with me for one night would make me not catch feelings for you!"
Jungkook's eyes widen.

Jimin's eyes filled with tears, making Jungkook panicked and removed himself from Jimin.
"Hey hey hey, don't cry, I hate seeing you cry"
"Well you did this to me!" Jimin sniffs. "This is all your fault.." Jungkook stares at him sadly, feeling guilty.
"I..I thought you knew...that...that night..meant nothing at all" Jungkook says. Jimin laughs bitterly.
"Oh hoh I wish It didn't" Jimin wipes away his tears.
"That night when you threw that party. And then you handed me a drink and we both got wasted so bad but then we started talking about life and deep things, like science and your dad. It felt like..we were getting along for real..
I felt like..I got my friend back.." Jimin whispered at the last one.

They were close. Always staying up late, dancing in a rock club, dancing in the rain together, they did many things.
But it fell apart when they both started to argue over little things and with Jimin's perfectionist behavior and Jungkook's anger issues, they couldn't understand each other anymore as they got older.
So, they went their different ways.

"I miss you" Jimin smiles.
"I miss you a lot and it's very..cringy to say it but..that night..it meant something for me. I really...enjoyed it" Jimin's cheeks started to get red. Jungkook notices that. He found it pretty.
"But I understand. It meant nothing for you-"
"I'm sorry" Jimin's eyes grew wide when he heard that. He never heard Jungkook apologized before.
"I enjoyed it too. I loved everything that we did that night sweet cheeks. It was perfect, it felt right"
"But you said that it meant nothing-" Jungkook shushes him and intertwines their fingers together.
"I thought you were just joking. So I was just trying to cover the truth with a lie" Jimin scoffs.

He slaps Jungkook's cheek.
"Jerk" Jungkook smiles, holding his red cheek.
"Better?" Jimin slaps his other cheek and hums.
"Better" he pecks Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook smiles and grabs Jimin's waist, pulling him close. Jimin gasped in shock when Jungkook made them both up into the air. "O-Oh my god! Too high! Too high!" Jimin closes his eyes, burying his face in Jungkook's neck.
"I thought you're fearless?"
"You're going too fast!" Jimin yells. Jungkook stops.
"Open your eyes" Jimin slowly removes his head from the taller's neck and he carefully open one eye then the other.
"Now..hold onto my shoulder" Jimin does it and Jungkook carried him bridal style.

Jungkook glides them both as steady as possible, making sure jimin got used to it. When he saw Jimin smiling a little, he began to fly faster and this time, Jimin was giggling loudly as his feet swing cutely. The taller twirled him around, threw him and caught him, even making him air-walk with him. Jimin loved it.
"This is just a gift of apology. I'm sorry" Jungkook says.
Jimin looks at him, smiling a little. He changed his position so he could face Jungkook while his kegs were wrapped around the taller's waist.
"You're forgiven..45%" Jungkook shrugs.
"Better than 0%" Jimin giggles.
"Want me to give you a 56%?"
"Yes please" jimin immediately kisses him and he kisses back.

Jungkook knew he got his 56%.


Y/N and Jake watches the two floating in the sky with popcorn beside them.


My right hand hurts so this was rushing and it doesn't make sense.

I hope you still like it.

But one question..

Be honest..

Are my plots good?

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