144: Medusa's Curse Final

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Author POV

Ever since Jimin turned into stone, Jungkook never stopped visiting him. Normally, the people would place the ones who turned stone in a cave. The cave was filled with creatures and it was dark too. It brought chills in their spines. However, Jungkook didn't feel that way. Maybe it was due to his fearless self but either way, his main goal was to fix what was broken.

And that was Park Jimin.

The first time he came to the cave, he was awkwardly standing infront of the stone Jimin, unable to say a word.
He stared at him as his hand was lifted to 'wave' at Jimin but he frozed in the middle of it. After a few minutes, he spoke.
"Hel..Hello Jimin" he sighs in relieved, feeling content that he said something. After that, he continued.
For a moment, it was merely awkward greetings and telling Jimin how his days were. Jungkook felt stupid that he was talking to himself but soon he reminded himself, Jimin would have been really happy if he was here.

So he kept talking.

As days went by, Jungkook found himself comfortable with talking with 'Jimin'. He was still awkward but he got the hang of it. Jungkook even considered the spiders as his friends.
"Would you laugh at me if you see me like this? I look like a fool" Jungkook stares at Jimin's grey figure and sighs.
He started to get bored again. Without Jimin, he felt lonely and Jungkook just realized that. All this time, Jimin was always there for him. No matter what.

Even if he had yelled at him, threw harsh words, dissapeared without an explanation, Jimin accepted him. The male came to his senses and realized that the short male made him see the world differently. "People always say, you'll learn to realize how important someone is once they are gone. Never knew I'll use those words for you.." Jungkook stares sadly at him and continued, "I am sorry Jimin.."

He regretted.


Everyone began to notice Jungkook going to the cave, it was an everyday. sight to see the man walking in the morning and coming back at night. Some people will give him a basket of food for him to eat. Jungkook thanks them and ends up giving some to the spiders or dogs roaming around the street. He doesn't have an appetite anymore. The man never failed to clean Jimin's statue, even if there a speck of dust, he'll always clean it.

Jungkook doesn't understand what he feels. All he wanted was to stay with Jimin. "You know, things aren't the same when you're not around, things don't look the same either..." he spoke as he stared at 'Jimin'. He let out a sigh and began to lay down with his arms being his own pillow.

"I like the view you brought.." he mutters. He started to imagine Jimin's smile as he speak. "The perspective u made me see, everything just seemed to look a little bit..brighter" He imagines Jimin's pout and tiny eyes turning like a crescent moon.
"And now I'm learning how to find my own colors. It's hard to do it without you, they don't look the same anymore. There's lot of things I don't recognize..like one of those things is me"

He imagines Jimin comforting him under the tree. He imagines Jimin calling for him. He imagines Jimin flirting and failing. Everything that he remembers made him bitter.Jungkook never knew just how much Jimin had became a part of his life.

I think I miss him a lot..

"I hope you're happy. Its all I ever wanted for you" Jungkook starts to tear up. He was stuck between being in content that Jimin isn't here and not seeing Jimin forever. "are you really not coming back?" Jungkook gulps as he stood up to examine the statue.

He caressed 'Jimin's ' face and hugs it.

"Am I too late?"

It hasn't just been days, nor weeks. Jungkook has been waiting for almost a year now and there was no sign of Jimin coming back. He had been believing destiny will change but all he has ever done was missing the smaller's presence.

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