86:His reader

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Author POV
"son, why are you eating so fas-hey! Slow down! The food isn't going to disappear!" The King chuckles at his only son who was chewing down the food like a beast. His mother also happened to notice what was going on and slap jungkook's hand, making Jungkook flinched. His mother angrily looks at him and says "eat properly Jungkook, you were raise as a royal, not a pig"

Jungkook pouts and slowly eats his food, chewing it slowly before swallowing slowly for his parents to see how well he eats as a royal, not a pig. When he was done, he pushed the plate away and stood up, giving a respectful bow to both his parents.
"I am done now and I would like to be excused from the table" he says.
The king furrowed his eyebrows. "But son, you haven't even taste the chocolate cake"

Jungkook looks at him"Well I'm tired and I was really hoping to relax and read my books" as he said that, he winks at his father. A signal that only his father knew.
The King's mouth formed into an 'O', understanding situation.
"Okay son! Enjoy your books!" Jungkook winks at him and then his father winks at him back. Jungkook then runs away.

Meanwhile, his mother looked at his husband weirdly.
"My love, do you perhaps have an eye infection? We could get a doctor for you"
The king got flustered.
"N-Nothing, I was just winking"
"Winking at what? The wall?"


After Jungkook has freshen up, he slump himself on the bed and immediately take out his phone. He grins like a fool as he sees his notification that had his favorite author in the whole world.

"He updated!" He says happily.

Jeon Jungkook was a 18 year old royal blood prince who loves to paint and collect rocks for unknown reasons. He just happens to find them enjoyable in his eyes. His parents love him, his maids and other princes respect him, princesses were head over heels for him.

And he loves reading fanficfions.

It was a secret that only his father and his friend, Kim Namjoon knew. He wished he could tell his maids or other princes but he knew it would be weird. Or what his friend, Kim Namjoon would say 'too preternatural'
"Screw you Namjoon, i don't have a life anymore" Jungkook thought. He opens his life, which in this case, Wattpad and squeals internally when he sees his favorite author who happens to update a new story.
"Oh my love JiminChimmy, you are the only reason why I would give up my chocolate cake" Jungkook smiles.

"Now lets procrastinate"


"Ahhhhhh Fxck that was good!" Jungkook grins from ear to ear. He just finished the story and now, he couldn't stop squealing at how beautiful the story was.
"Omo omo! I gotta comment! I gotta comment!" He yells and his fingers immediately types all the compliments he could think of.

Author-nim! You're so cool! That story was soooo amazing! Please do more! I love you!

"Wait..was I love you too much? Ah maybe I should delete that par-ah Fxck, I send it already" he thought of deleting the comment for a moment but then he shrugs it off and throws his phone on the bed.
"Welp, I'm lazy to delete it so, I'll just let it be"
10 minutes later, he received a reply. Jungkook eyes widen when he reads the message.

Hahaha, thank you. I love you too, btw I send you a message in the chat. Feel free to see it 😘

"They noticed me?!" Jungkook fingers went straight to see the message. He almost had a heart attack when he sees the first few words.

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