94: Relationship status: Not dating.

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Requested by: @lovelgbtpeole

Not proofread.

Author POV
"Hey nerd" Jungkook glared at the man who was ruffling his hair purposely. The man grinned mischievously.
"Won't you smile for me pretty boy?" Jungkook looks away and proceeds to write down his notes while ignoring Park Jimin. He wasn't bad but isn't nice either. He was in-between an angel and a devil.

If I put them together it'll sound like

"Huh, that's not a bad name.." Jungkook murmured.
"What did you say pretty Boy? You fell in love with me?" Jimin grins and grabs jungkook's chin, making him face him.
"You're so cute, it makes me wanna kiss you" Jungkook blushes furiously and then pushed Jimin away.
"L-Leave Park Jimin" Jimin laughs.
"Alright alright, but remember to keep those lips for me only pretty boy"
Once jimin had leave him alone, Jungkook immediately covers his face with his hands.

Fxck my life, he's making me so frustrated! Thanks a lot Park Jimin!


"Class dismiss" the bell rang loudly and everyone immediately ran to go to the canteen.
Except for two people, Jimin and Jungkook. Jungkook was busy packing his stuff away before grabbing his cream bread and putting it on the table. Meanwhile, Jimin was trying to get some shut eye instead of eating. His attention were fixed against Jungkook, his nerd. Jimin grinned widely and walked towards Jungkook with his hands in his pockets.
"Hey nerd, you done with your homework? Can you lend me those notes? I'm bad at math" Jungkook rolls his eyes and ignores him, which made Jimin a little frustrated.

"Yah, I know you can hear me shxtty nerd" Jungkook gasped in shock when Jimin suddenly pulled his tie and now their face were inches away.
"Give it to me or you'll pay the price" Jungkook stares at him, not saying a word.
Then, he smirked and said "If you want to punch me, then do it now, at least you'll be expelled, not me"
Jimin gritted his teeth angrily, his blood was boiling like lava. Meanwhile, Jungkook was calm as he smirked.
"You're weak Park Jimin"

"That's it"

Without hesitation, he pressed his lips together with jungkook's.
Jungkook smiles in delight and kisses him back. They pulled away after with saliva connecting their lips.
"I fxcking hate you nerd" jimin spat. Jungkook giggles and softly slaps Jimin's cheek.
"Shut the hell up Hyung, you wanted this and now you're getting it"
Jimin whines a little and grabs both of jungkook's hand, putting them on his cheeks for comfort.
"Why did I even agree on trying to hide our relationship Jungkook?"
Jungkook lets out a laugh and stroke Jimin's cheeks gently.
"Just hang in there Hyung, when we're finally okay with this, we can come out together"

Jimin looks into jungkook's hazelnut eyes and smiles lovingly. They lean in closer, their lips almost touching as they felt their hot breath getting hotter


They heard someone coming near.

Both had their eyes widened.



"Hey Park Jimin-" Taehyung looks at his best friend weirdly.
"What the hell are you doing bro?" Jimin smiled awkwardly.
"Oh nothing, I was just testing out this nerd's muscle" he says. The two boys were both idiots when it came to being normal again so the best thing that they could come up with at that moment was;
Jungkook doing push-ups while Jimin was sitting on his back.
Taehyung seemed to believe it and laughed.
"Wow Jimin, you're on a new level, but hey, take it easy on him, he's not gonna pass his exams if you break his back bro" Jimin laughs awkwardly.
"Of course Bro"

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