69.A dare gone wrong

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Idea by:@IGotJamsFor3Dollars
Author POV
Not proofread. (I was gonna have fluff but author-nim loves angst 🙈)
"You don't love me anymore?" Jungkook's voice cracked. Jimin only stared at him with no expression on his face, making Jungkook heart break.
"O-Okay then.."

Jimin's cousin, Miyeon had came to Seoul to visit him and also wanted to spend more time together which Jimin, an extrovert, did not mind. Jungkook however, was an introvert and he doesn't like to be around with people especially when he feels like an outsider with them. So, he told Jimin that he will go out and hang out at the comic store by himself.

"You are gonna be okay right Jungkookie?" Jungkook nodded and waved goodbye. Jimin smiled before looking back at Miyeon, who looked confused.
"What's wrong Miyeon?" Miyeon shrugged. "I don't know, it's just that..you've been telling me that your boyfriend likes showing affection to you" Jimin nodded. "He does"
"Then why did he not kiss or anything? I think it would be very sweet" Miyeon said.
Jimin sigh and said "Look I know you are really obsessed with your yaoi but Jungkook doesn't like showing it, he can be cold and shy at times but I still love him"

Miyeon pouted. "Okay fine, now cmon, let's watch stupid stuff" with that, Jimin turned on his tv and watched whatever Miyeon had recommended. As they were watching Tangled, Miyeon suddenly paused the movie and smirked evilly at Jimin. Which gave jimin the chills. "What do you want from me?" Miyeon laughed as she clasped her hands together. "You love dares right?" Jimin nodded and Miyeon grinned at that.

"I dare you to break up with Jungkook"

Jimin's eyes widen. No one has ever dared him something that involves his boyfriend since all of his friends knew how much Jimin loves him. But Miyeon was a different story. Miyeon was very scary when someone says no to her and since Jimin didn't want his head to be sliced, he awkwardly laugh and said
"Ar-Are you sure?" Miyeon nodded. "Just for 24 hours, nothing much and then you can have him back"

"But that sounds..cruel.." Miyeon scoffed. "Nonsense! This is a perfect chance to see whether Jungkook cares about you or not!" "But he does care!"
"Really?" That's when Jimin started thinking about Jungkook. Even when they started dating, it was Jimin who confessed, it was Jimin who shows more emotion, it was Jimin who always say I love you.
It all got him thinking. Could the dare prove it all?

Jimin closes his eyes as he took a deep breath. While Miyeon, waited patiently for an answer. "You know, you don't really have t-"
"No no..

ill do it"

Flashback ends.

Now it has came to this.

Jungkook had returned home, expecting a welcome home but instead, he was welcomed by Jimin who was only playing with his phone. Jungkook waited for a responds but he received nothing. "Um..hyung?" Jimin flinched and look up. "Oh..you're here."
"Yeah.." Jungkook was about to head to the bathroom when Jimin suddenly said
"We need to talk"

That made Jungkook halt in his steps. He wasn't sure what those could meant but judging from how Jimin's voice wasn't so sweet and instead it sounded serious.
He was already afraid. He gulp and walked to the sofa, facing Jimin. "What's wrong" Jungkook asked, trying to sound tough.
Jimin stared at him for awhile so he could cherish jungkook's face a little more because 24 hours is too long for him.

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