131: Joseon Dynasty

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Requested by:@babysharkkookie18

Author POV

In the year of 1392, the Joseon society have a social status that represents everyone's life. We have the royalty, which shouldn't be explained much. Everyone knows royalty is King. Then we have Yangban, they were extremely wealthy and enjoyed benefits like exemption from military service. Next were Chungin, which consisted of artists, astrologers, physicians, accountants.
There's Sangmin and it consisted of peasants, farm labourers, small merchants, fisher-men, crafts-men.
Lastly, Cheonmin. They were the lowest of all classes. People from this class were outcasts who lived away from the upper-class settlements, away from city life.

Min Yoongi's status was Royalty.
He once was a kid, then a teenager, then a man and after that, he became King.
Kim Taehyung's status was Cheonmin. He was nothing but a scrape of gum on the road. But even if his life was bad, he still have a light in his life.
His best friend, Park Jimin.

Park Jimin's status was Cheonmin. He enjoyed picking flowers and making art ; it could be bouquets or dried flower art. He was also the most handsome bachelor anyone has ever laid eyes on.
It was impossible to look away.
Jeon Jungkook's status was Chungin. He was a painter who worked in the palace.
The man was very talented with his skills.
However, he had trouble talking to strangers.
That's where Min Yoongi comes in.

"You want to paint again?" Jungkook nods.
"I want to paint people next.." Yoongi raised his brow. "And why does that connect to me-oh" The older realized what he meant and sigh. "You want me to come with you and socialize for you"

Jungkook cutely nods.

They both went to the village. Everyone bowed to the king while no one payed any attention to the taller that was standing behind him. "look for someone quick, I hate talking" The older huffs, looking at the people surrounding him. Jungkook looks around as he tries to find the perfect person for him to draw. None of them caught his eyes. The woman looked average, the elders looked scary and a man that was wearing a pink hanbok-

"Your majesty.." Jungkook taps on yoongi's shoulder and Yoongi turns around with an eyebrow raised. "who?" Was his question.
Jungkook pointed to the man.

It was Park Jimin.


"NO I do not want to be painted! And let my Taehyung go!"

Jimin had a big fight with the king since he refused to be painted. Yoongi tried to persuade him in a calm way but Jimin was persistent. Because of that, Yoongi seized the poor man and his friend, who happened to try and stop Jimin from acting stupid.
Obviously that failed.

"My, my, you sure can fight" Yoongi smirks.
"And you dare to speak to me with that tone? Pathetic. All I want is for you to help my painter with his painting obsession and now you're making things worse" He had a sword in his hand. Sharp and big enough to cut someone's throat. Then, he pointed the sword at Taehyung's neck.

He smirks evilly. "Say yes or I'll kill your Taehyung" Taehyung gulps and looks at Jimin, begging him with his eyes. Jimin panics. "Y-You cant do this! He h-has done nothing!" He yells. "Ah. But this is all started because of you so now he must die" Yoongi swings the sword and aim for Taehyung's neck.

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