62:Wolfdog 2

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Author POV
After Namjoon had done signing the paperworks, they both went out for the spree with their new member in the family, Jungkook. When Jungkook step out form the store, he felt like an outside as everyone stared at him. That made him shy and quickly turned into his animal form. Jimin titled his head and stop his Appa from walking as he bend down to look at Jungkook. "are you okay Jungkook?" Jungkook only stared at him and barked. Jimin pout his lips and look at his Appa.

"I think he's shy Appa" Namjoon nodded. "I guess he is. The lady did say he's never gone out before, maybe you should try and tell him that it's oka-" Namjoon facepalmed himself when he sees his son carrying the big Jungkook despite his small figure. 
"Son, you are going to break your back"
"Oh please, my back is more flexible than you"
"...your legs are shaking"

Jimin ignored his Appa and continued to carry Jungkook with a big smile on his face.
"Don't worry Jungkookie, you'll be comfortable with people soon"


"Aigoo, he is so cute Jiminie, what breed is he?" Seokjin asked as he gently caressed jungkook's fur. "He's a Alaskan malamute" Jimin said as he grabbed Jungkook and settle him on his lap. 

What I imagine Jk looks like

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What I imagine Jk looks like.

"The lady said that he's cautious, shy, gentle, curious,loyal and stubborn. Also, he loves to explore and roam in free open spaces" Jimin said.
"Don't forget Minnie, Jungkook also have separation anxiety so you gotta be careful" Namjoon added while drinking his water. Jimin nodded. His hands were busy stroking jungkook's soft fur that made him smile. "Anyway, I think everything will be fine. I know what to do Papi, apps, don't worry about it" he said.

The two males stared at each other for a while it until Jungkook licked Jimin's nose, making him giggled. "Do you want me to play with you?" Jungkook barked in excitement, getting off form Jimin's lap and immediately went to the door, scratching it.
"Hehe, Papi can I go play with Jungkookie?" Jin nodded.
"Make sure to be back-and..he's gone.." Jin sighed.

Namjoon smirked and grabbed Seokjin's waist, kissing his neck. "We are alone...so how bout we..you know?"He whispered. Seokjin gasped. "Of course Joonie!" Namjoon did a happy dance in his mind, finally getting his husband for himself.
"It's your turn to do the laundry!" Seokjin said as he walked away to grabbed the dirty clothes.

Damn it..

Jungkook got into the family really quick. Everyone loved his shy yet energetic attitude that he usually shows for Jimin. Jungkook also loved the outdoor so he would usually roamed around in his animal or human form with his tail still wagging anyway.
Jimin didn't really stop his Jungkook because he knows Jungkook had never gone out before and also, it was cute to see jungkook's eyes sparkle everytime. So he doesn't comps,in if he had to wash Jungkook three times a day(Jungkook loves laying in the mud and rain water).

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