50.Red String 2

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Author POV
Although Jimin and Jungkook were fine with each other and wouldn't mind doing a little kissing and cuddling, that didn't stop from pranking each other, getting into small fights and most importantly, cutting off the string.

"Hoe!" Taehyung yelled. Jimin rolled his eyes. He was spending his time with Yoonji and Taehyung in his house but once he had sat down in the chair, their chaotic argument began. "...did he just said hoe? "Jimin asked.
"Yeah, because that's the only thing he's good at." Yoonji simply said. "I AM NOT A HOE,YOU ARE!"
Jimin raised his brow and asked "Are you mad at something?"
Yoonji yawned and said "It's Valentine's Day and he's single"
"Oh.." "Really Jimin? Oh? Help me and find a date" Taehyung whined.

Just when Jimin was about to say something, he got a message from Jungkook

Lets-get-it: It's your turn to cut the string Park

Taeismysoulmate: Seriously? It's not you?

Lets-get-it:No, and also, change your username

Taeismysoulmate: no way. It's a fact you dxckhead, deal with it.

Lets-get-it: You don't change it, I'll come home late when I'm done drinking with Yugyeom.

Taeismysoulmate: whatever, I'll change it later, don't come home late 🙄

Lets-get-it: Yes Park 😀🖕🏼

"Jimin? Hello???" Taehyung waved his hand at jimin. He put his phone back and stood up. "Well I'm off and also, if you want a date so bad , just date Yoonji" Jimin said. they both were silence. Jimin smiles innocently and closed the door quickly.
he chuckled when he heard both of them gagged out loud.


"Park, this is a bad idea" Jungkook complained. Jimin rolled his eyes. "No it's not, trust me" "the last time you said that, you ditched me at the supermarket"
"I did that on purpose" Jimin simply said.
Meanwhile,The guys who were working there watched in amusement seeing two adults arguing.
"Did we really let two adults ice skate and trip over nothing?" "Yeah, but they gave us 100 bucks so let's not complain.." "Sweet.."

"Okay Jeon, put that string down, hold it firmly and I'll ice skate through it" Jungkook prayed to God as he look up. "God please have mercy on me, ohgodohgodohgod" he murmured. "Here...we...GO!" Jimin skated at the speed of light, Jungkook only closed his eyes. When Jimin thought he had cut it because he felt something, he suddenly felt his whole body going up into the air

 When Jimin thought he had cut it because he felt something, he suddenly felt his whole body going up into the air

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"S-S-S-SHITTTTTTTT" Jimin screamed as high as his high note. The guys working there had their eye widens and mouth agape. "Oh my god, bro, that guy is flying!" Instead of helping, they chose to watched in amazement with 100 bucks in their hand.

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