139: My highschool bully left me

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Requested by: @kruksana

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Sorry for being inactive. Busy with school and assignments, I hope you can understand why updates are slow.

Author POV

Jungkook was the school bully while Jimin was the smart student. The two wouldn't even imagine to click together. Jungkook had pride on his reputation. He was not only mean but he was also book smart. That led him to improve more and mock the ones who couldn't get an answer right. Meanwhile Jimin, was also book smart but he wasn't mean. He loved helping people and everyone knew him as someone with a kind smile.

Soon enough, Jimin also gained popularity because of his fan base. Jungkook got jealous and started to harass the short male. He would kick his chair off, hide his homework in the toilet or simply pulling his hair from the back. Obviously, it annoyed Jimin that he tried to tell the principal. The principal didn't believe him. No one did. Jungkook hid his identity well and so, the principal merely told Jimin that,
"It's just puberty"

"Puberty my ass" Jimin grumbled. "Why does no one believe me"
"Having fun talking by yourself?" Jungkook approached the male and grabbed him by his bag, making Jimin stumble on his foot. He glared and tried to push Jungkook away but the taller was stronger.
"Miss me~"he sang. Jimin stayed silence and let his fate on Jungkook's hand.

That was one thing Jungkook found interesting, Jimin seemed to not care.
"Come one Jimin. Have a little fun" Jungkook grins. "You're suppose to react ya know. It's not fun when I do all the work". "Can you not? It's annoying" Jimin spat. Jungkook grins again and kept on teasing the shorter.
A few days later, Jimin showed his new side. He started to fight back and not let Jungkook get under his skin. But no matter what he did, Jungkook didn't seem offended. In fact, the taller would laugh loudly and harass him even more.

Jimin wishes he died.

School was over and Jungkook ends up following the short male and continued teasing him even further. Jimin sighs, ignoring the stupidity of the taller. "Please just shut up" Jimin spoke. Jungkook fell silence. They were very far from school now, almost arriving to Jimin's house.
"How far are you going to keep doing this?" Jimin spun around, looking at him. Jungkook stares at him and then,
He pecks his lips.

"I'm sorry baby"

Jimin huffs. "You went too far" Jungkook smiles sheepishly.
"I know but I'm sorry" he grabs the shorter by the waist and hugs him.
"You know I love you right?"
"I know. I love you too"

The two were secretly dating. They agreed to keep the situation in school as 'Jungkook the bully and Jimin the nerd'. It was weird agreement but Jimin knew that Jungkook's reputation was very high and it would be bad if the rest knew they were dating. So, it eventually became a fun activity for them.

But can it really last well?


"Jungkook ah, did you just lock me up in the fxcking Janitor's closet?" Jimin got called by his classmate, telling him that he needed to get a mop and so, he did. When he got into the closet, he heard the door slammed behind. The room was dark and he panicked. "Hey! Let me out!" Jimin ran to the door but he was hit by something soft instead. He winced and starts touching the soft door?

"It's me baby. Your boyfriend"

"Jungkook! You-Did you do this?!"


"Wha-Dont just say yeah! Let me out!"

"Why? Is it the dark?" Jungkook questions and turns on the light. Jimin sighed in relieved but then gets angry.
"This isn't funny. I have class and studies are important-"
"But I'm your boyfriend" Jungkook whines. "Don't you trust me?"
Of course jimin did. Actually, they have been making out in the school multiple times, it was normal for them but Jimin just wasn't used to do it in the Janitor's closet.

His thoughts were cut off when Jungkook starts to slips his hand inside his shirt, making the shorter gasped. "Jungkook no.." he whispered. His boyfriend smirks. "Jungkook yes"
Before long, the taller latches his lips onto Jimin's and Jimin immediately responded. Jungkook's kisses were so good, he wasn't holding back.

Little by little, their pants were removed. Only their shirt remained.
Jimin's back was on the wall while Jungkook holds him up and continues kissing him. Their heads move around, trying to get more of each other lips. "Wa-Wait are actually..doing it?" Jimin pants. Jungkook stares at him and smiles.


That was how Jimin's virginity got taken away.


Jungkook was worried. Jimin had been avoiding him and ignores his calls. Even the teasing became boring for him as Jimin ends up crying instead. He only likes it when Jimin fight back. They don't walk together either which made Jungkook sad.
This time, he tries to approach Jimin by coming to his house, using the window. Jimin was shocked when he realized that his boyfriend was there.

"Hi baby. What's wrong? Why are you avoiding me?"

"You need to leave Jeon, go-"

"I won't leave unless you tell me" Jungkook comes to him and hugs him.
Jimin was nervous. His heartbeat thump loudly. He made eye contact with the taller and said "You won't leave me will you?" Jungkook nods. But inside, he was nervous as he thought of many things.
"I promise" he says.

"Jungkook. I'm pregnant"


Jimin winced when Jungkook suddenly pinched his arm. "Jungkook you're hurting me-" "are you joking?" Jungkook released Jimin from the hug, his eyes showed shock and panic.
"You're pregnant? Seriously?"
"Yes.." Jungkook burst out in laughing.
"You're lying? Right? Right?" He grabs the shorter's arms and shook him. It was as if he was trying to make Jimin get back to reality.

"Tell me you're lying Jimin. You can't be, that wasn't what I wanted"

"What do you mean..not what you wanted?" This is where Jimin starts to question Jungkook. At that, the taller shuts up but Jimin was mad. "What is going on Jungkook? What are you hiding?" He gritted his teeth. Jungkook scratches his head, feeling like he's been caught by his crimes. He let out a sigh as his heart felt heavy.

"When we had sex, that was all a dare Jimin. My friend dared me to have sex with you since he knew that I was dating you" he said. "And I agreed because we both are used to making out" Jungkook said it so simply, Jimin's heart broke. What's worse that everything was a dare.

"Have you ever loved me?" Jimin spoke, his voice came out strain and weak but he wanted to be strong. Jungkook sighs. "I do love you, all the dates and kisses I gave you, was that not enough to prove it to you? And besides, it's not my fault either, you liked the sex anyway"
"That was because I trusted you! I love you! I would never even think you were a bad person to begin with!"
Jimin yells.

"You're a jerk for saying that to me!" Jungkook gets frustrated. "So? I made a mistake and I- You know what, I'm done. This is done. I just realized it"
"Wha..what?" The taller sighs again.
"You're not worth it Jimin. You're pregnant and I doubt that you'll abort the baby so..let's just break up. My reputation is important than you and I don't want to disappoint anyone"

Jungkook gave a sympathize smile and finally said, "This relationship is over". He tuck his hands in his pocket and walks away, leaving the shorter speechless. "How could he.." Jimin's legs starts to shake until he collapsed on the floor. His breathing was heavy and his mind was fuzzy, he felt betrayed. Humiliated too.

"How could he leave me just for his reputation?" Jimin whispers. "I've endured his stupid actions and this is what I get? How..how could he" he was left with nothing but cries and a pain in his heart.

How could he do this to me?


Sorry this is so short even though I barely updated. It's rushing too so it probably doesn't make any sense. But I promise, I'll make Jungkook suffer. I'm your angst author 🌚

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