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Not proofread.

Author POV
In which:
Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin were parents for five babies that they adopted ;
Min Yoongi (6) Jung Hoseok (6) Park Jimin (5) Taehyung (5) Jungkook (4).

"PAPAAAAAAAAA" That is what the babies call Namjoon. Namjoon sigh as he stood up and went to the living room. He saw Jimin playing alone and his lips were quivering sadly. He went down at Jimin's level and softly asked "What's wrong chimchim?"
"Ch-Chimchim ish..lonely.." Jimin sniffs.
"Kookie play with tae tae instead of chimchim" Jimin looks at Namjoon and points to his heart. "Chimchim heart bery hurt" he said sadly.
Namjoon cooed at the cute response and picked up Jimin, letting him rest on his hip. He gave the mochi cheek a kiss and said "It's okay chimchim, you can play with me"

That made Jimin stop pouting. Instead, it was replaced by a frown.
"No" he said.
"What? What do you mean no?" Jimin huff and wriggled out from Namjoon's arms. He shake off the invisible dirt on his shirt and said "papa is boring, papa is no fun"
"Wh-What hey! I can be fun!"
"Oh puh-lease" Jimin pointed a finger sassily and said "Dada (Seokjin) can be boring but Papa ish" he took a deep breath.
"More boring" he said in a deep voice.

"...." Jimin smirked and jiggled his butt at Namjoon before running away towards his play room.

Namjoon sighs and wrote another note for his book.
Note to self, Jimin is very honest when he's with Seokjin..

Jimin entered the room and peek a little through the open door. He noticed tae and Jungkook playing with iron man and hulk. He giggled at how cute Jungkook was but remembered that he was suppose to be angry at him.
"Okay chimchim, you must show Kookie that he is very very bad, so be mad" he puff out his cheek and cross his arm. "There, that looks angry right?" He asked to his imaginary friend, which his friend gave a thumbs up(in his mind)

"Okie here chimchim goes" he entered the room and tae and Jungkook immediately looked at his direction. "Oh hi chimchim!" Taehyung waved his hand. Jungkook stares at Jimin lovingly and softly said "Hello...chimchim.."

Oh Mai gad did Jungkookie noticed chimchim!?

Jimin was about to wave back at Jungkook

No chimchim! He is bad remember?
His imaginary friend said.

"Oh right..hmph!" Jungkook looks at him weirdly and stood up, he waddled his way to Jimin and check his temperature at Jimin's forehead. "Chimchim sick?" Jimin shook his head. "No" he replied. Jungkook scratches his head and asked something else.
"Chimchim hungy?"
"No, chimchim not hungy tank u very much"
"Ouh then why ish chimchim so angy?" Taehyung nods at jungkook's statement.
"Yeah my best friend! Why is chimchim eyebrow look like bushes?" Jimin's lip quivered. His emotions starts to get unsteady because he thought everyone was against him.

So he cried.

"WAHHHHHHH" Jimin's sobs were so loud, it literally woke up Yoongi from his slumber. Yoongi groans angrily and pops out the milk bottle from his mouth, he went down from his bed, adjusts his diaper and waddled towards the playroom.
"Vat(what) is going on?!" Yoongi yells. Jungkook and Taehyung gasped and hurriedly shuts Jimin's mouth. "U-Um nothing Hyung! Noting is wong!" Taehyung exclaimed, Jungkook nods.
Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Guys, I can see Jimin crying his eyeballs out"
"No he's not! Jimin ish just um..um..ah! Making new water for us to drink!" Taehyung says.

Hoseok also came into the room and tap on yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi looks over and his eyes soften. Hoseok tilts his head and asked "Why you leave Hobi sleep alone?"
Yoongi looks at him guiltily and said "Em sorry, but they were very nosy"
Seokjin, whom was busy making beef stew, ran towards the playroom and looked at babies, panicked. "Why is it so quiet? Have you been pooping Yoongi?" Yoongi rolls his eyes and grabbed hoseok's hand.
"Come on Hobi, dada is just being silly again"
"Mm" Hoseok follows Yoongi back to their bedroom to sleep again.

Seokjin crosses his arms and looks at the maknae line. He noticed Jimin's eyes all wet so he knew one thing.
"Which one of you made Jimin cried?" He asked. Taehyung and Jungkook explained that they didn't made Jimin cried and that he cried by his own. Seokjin asked Jimin again but he only gave sad sniffles and shaking his head.
Seokjin sighs and squat down to be at their level.
"Okay..I don't know who did it but since Jimin won't talk, I want you to give Jimin a hug and a kiss"

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded and gave him a hug, which made Jimin smile weakly.
"Okay now kiss his cheek you two" Taehyung gave a light peck on Jimin's cheek while Jungkook just stares at them.
"Aren't you gonna kiss Jimin Jungkookie?" Seokjin asked.
Is this child broken? This kid loves Jimin so much...
Jimin looks at Jungkook with sad eyes. "Is Jiminie ugly?" Jungkook panicked but he didn't know what to say. When there was no responce from Jungkook, Jimin sighs and removes jungkook's hand.
"Jiminie understands.." Jimin said sadly.

Meanwhile, Seokjin was enjoying the drama. Taehyung too.

Jimin sighs again and said "Jiminie wants to go play with papa instead.."
As he was about to walk away, Jungkook pulled his tiny hand and hugged Jimin tightly, making Jimin gasped.
"J-Jungkookie? What is Jungkookie doing to Jiminie?" His heartbeat started to increase as they both made eye contact.

"Dada, this movie is getting good" Taehyung says.

Jungkook looks at him and smiles.
"I want to give Jiminie my special kiss" before Jimin could say anything, Jungkook had gave a peck on Jimin's lips. Jimin's eyes widen and he couldn't breathe. Jungkook smiles satisfy and pulled away from the hug, waiting for Jimin to come back to reality.
"Jiminie?" Jungkook says. Jimin shakes his thoughts and cleared his throat.
"Y-yeah?" He stuttered. Jungkook grabs Jimin's hand and interwined them together with his.

"Were you sad because I didn't play with you?" Jimin blushes, feeling embarrassed and nods. "Jiminie was just..was just being silly.." He exclaimed. Jungkook giggles and shakes his head.
"It's okay Jiminie, Jiminie is still cute anyway" Jimin blushed.
"Jungkookie not mad?"
"Nope!" Jimin smiles.

Taehyung tears up and looks at his dada.
"Dada, let's go make popcorn now"
"Why? The movie is over"
"Yesh taetae knows that, taetae meant for the next movie" Seokjin was confused.
"There's more?" Taehyung slap his forehead and gave a look.
"Well duh~ it's Jungkookie and Jiminie, when ish it ever not a movie dada?"

Sorry for not updating. I'm a terrible author 🙃
Also, I've decided to keep the previous chapter just like that. If I have the time and maybe mood, I'll make a part 2.

But for now, I will be making more of this.
Feel free to give more options for the babies.

Bye bye.

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