45. Dream Guy 2 🤖

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Author POV
Ever since Jungkook entered Jimin's life, he was getting more peaceful with his days than before. His clothes were always washed, food was always fresh and steaming hot, his homework gets easier, he wasn't lonely all day, he had someone to lean on when he's sad or mad. He was very grateful to have Jungkook in his life.
Where as Jungkook, he was stupidly in love. So stupid that even Taehyung thinks that he's smarter now.

"Good morning darling" As always, Jungkook would call Jimin by that nickname every morning because he loves watching Jimin shyly smiles. It worked and Jimin as always replied, "shut up" "awwh, but I made you breakfast!" Jungkook showed the
Plate of food as he pout. "Don't you want it?" He said sadly but cutely.
Jimin rolls his eyes as he pinched jungkook's cheek. "Idiot, course I want it" Jungkook grinned and puckered his lips. "Give me a kiss first"

You may think that Jimin will eventually love Jungkook more than his crush. You were wrong. Jimin's love want for Jungkook because his heart still remained at his crush.

Kim. Seokjin. (surprise loves)

So, in order to not hurt jungkook's feelings, he only kissed jungkook's cheeks which only made Jungkook pout. "Yah..my lips are here.." Jimin awkwardly laugh as he grabbed the food. "Maybe another time Kay?" And walked away.
Jungkook's smile faded. He wasn't stupid. He found out everything from Taehyung and Yoongi because he had a feeling that Jimin wasn't actually trying to love him. There was a time when He secretly went to check on Jimin and his heart broke seeing that his 'boyfriend' was clearly flirting with Seokjin. Jungkook said nothing, thinking maybe Jimin would love him if Jungkook were to act like Jin.

But his efforts were turned down because Jimin thought jungkook was annoying. 

His eyes began to water but he quickly wiped them away.
He loves jimin too much. Too much that he couldn't tell his deepest secret.
"Hah, bet he doesn't care either way.." He laughs bitterly. His eyes wandered to Jimin who looked adorable with his messy hair and puffy cheeks. Jungkook smile softly. "Maybe someday..." Jungkook look down as he caresses the necklace that he bought which wrote 'I still love you even when the sun sets' just for Jimin. "Someday...he will..will learn to love me like how I love him..."

Taehyung and Yoongi stared at each other with a disappointed look. Their dumbass friend was staring lovingly at his crush while talking to him. "Haish doesn't Jimin realized what he's doing? He's just hurting Jungkook more.." Taehyung said. Yoongi sigh as he stirred his coffee. "I think it's best if we try and talk to Jimin about it"
"Yeah but he never listen-" "shush, he's coming"

Jimin was smiling widely and couldn't wait to tell his friends until he saw his friends judging face which made him sigh. "What?" "Bixth can you look at yourself? Do you really not know what crime you have done?" Taehyung spat. "And what crime did I made huh?" Jimin answered. "Hurting jungkook's feelings" Yoongi says.
"Well He's not here is he?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Oh my god- bitxh! I swear to god I'm gonna kill yo-"

Before Taehyung could slap Jimin's face, Yoongi stop him and said "Jimin if you're in jungkook's place right now, you'll know what heartbreaks means" "Aish Jungkook will understand-" "He may be a robot but he has a heart too and just like every human being who likes someone, they will do anything for that someone to make them love us, isn't that right Jimin?"

At that, Jimin shut up. "You seem to like Jin and you definitely want him to be your boyfriend but do you really think that Seokjin's heart is for you?" Ouch. Jimin thought.
"And what you're doing to Jungkook, I honestly thought you'll be better at this, you're a good person so why not act like one?" Yoongi says calmly. There's one thing that Jimin hates about Yoongi, he's always blunt but everything he says will make him feel regret.

"Hyung, you should try and listen to Yoongi for once, Jungkook won't always be there for you,you know?" "He will be-" Taehyung cut him off and said "how can you be sure Jimin? You've broken his hearts with broken promises and lies, what reason does he have to stay with you forever?"


After Taehyung and Yoongi had lectured him, he started having second thoughts. He was getting nervous as he sees his house getting near. "Have I been mean this whole time?" Jimin mumbled as he walked. His mind started to remember the times when he pushes Jungkook away when Jungkook tried to impress him with his cooking or drawing. The time when Jungkook kept asking why he wasn't always home and spend time with him which he only yell at Jungkook for being noisy and annoying.

Oh my god.

"I am a bad person" Jimin said out loud. "What?" Jimin snapped out of thoughts when he realized that he had arrived at his house and Jungkook was standing in front of him with his hands on his hip. "You're early.." Jungkook said. Jimin smile awkwardly and went in. Jungkook immediately went back to the kitchen and Jimin could smell something sweet. "You can sit down if you want to try some strawberry cake"

Hell yeah.

Jimin put away his stuff and sat down. He watches how Jungkook started to make the cream for the cake and Jimin honestly thinks that Jungkook is a husband material.
"Have I not been early?" Jungkook thought for a while and said
"Hm, you're usually still hanging out with someone or you're too bored to stay at home." Jimin's heart ache at that, knowing that someone was his crush and hearing Jungkook saying it like its a normal thing made him feel even more guilty.

"Jungkook-" "it's fine hyung, I'm okay" Jimin pout sadly as he look down. It was dead silence except for the sound of Jungkook making the cream and Jungkook had noticed Jimin's pout and said "If it makes you feel better, you can help me cut some strawberries if you want" Jimin's head perked up and went to kitchen and grabbed the things. "Yes please!" Jungkook chuckled.


"Soo..Like this?" "Mm, how bout you cut it like this" Jungkook demonstrate it by going behind Jimin and holding his hands to teach him to cut the fruit. Jimin's heart started beating fast and he felt his face getting red. We are so close...
"There that's how you do it" Jungkook smile at Jimin. Jimin was a little stunned but then he cleared his throat. "Ah-ah yes, yes I got it"
"Sure" "I did okay!"


"Oh my god Jungkook! You should open a bakery already!" Jimin exclaimed. Jungkook rub the back of his neck as he smile shyly. "Ah it's nothing.." "Are you kidding me?" Jimin moaned at the sweet and savory taste of the cake. "This is soooo good!!"
"Thank you hyung.." Jimin pout. "Yah, call me darling" "thought you didn't like that?"
"Hey I never said that!" "Well you seem to hate me so.."

Jimin's eyes got sad when he sees Jungkook looking down and his face shows nothing but sadness and unloved. That's when he finally realized that he should have listen to his friends earlier. He hated seeing Jungkook sad. "Hey.." Jimin held jungkook's,hand which made Jungkook look up all confused. Jimin smile softly as he interwined their hands together. "I'm sorry.." Jungkook's eyes soften at that. Jimin stood up and kneeled infront of Jungkook and interwined both their hands together. "I want to be a better boyfriend, I want to take care of you, I want to love you so.."

Jimin smile as he caresses jungkook's hand. "Will you let me?"

This isn't over yet.

Wanna know a spoiler?

There's more angst in the next 🙈

Not proofread.

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