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Jungkook sighs for the 100th time as he wipe his tears that was staining his cheeks. He doesn't know why, or what, but he was just too sad. To him, no one loved him, no one cared about him, no one was showing love the same way he showed them. Jungkook didn't want to sound petty or needy but he wanted attention. He wanted to feel happy.
He wanted to be love.

"Jungkook you're not okay, please tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook shook his head. He looked at Jimin, who gave him a worried look and Jungkook only smile."it's..whatever.." He said. "Kook, I know you are never comfortable to tell people about what you feel but I promise it will make you feel better" he said. Jimin wrapped his arms around jungkook's shoulder as he let the maknae head rest on his chest.
"I'm here for you" Jimin said softly while stroking jungkook's hair gently.

Jungkook gulped and took a deep breath. "I don't feel loved" he said. Jimin remained quiet so Jungkook continued. "I feel like I'm not being appreciated enough, I always tell you guys how handsome you are or-you are perfect, you are so much talented than me but whenever I wanted to hear some compliment, no one said anything.." Jungkook smile faded as he clung onto Jimin for comfort. "I always tell people I'm okay, i always remained to be myself so people won't notice that I'm broken and I always joke around about how ugly and fat I am so you guys would laugh but it hurts" Jungkook could feel his waterworks getting nearer.

"It hurts that my inner thoughts always assumed that you guys never really liked me, and only took pity of me because I'm just a lonely boy.."
"Oh kook.." Jimin cupped jungkook's cheek and pampered his face with kisses, making jungkook's lip quivered a little. "You know we all love you, we care about you Jungkook, you know that right?" Jungkook nodded.
"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel upset and also not being good enough, I'm sorry kook, I never meant to hurt you" Jimin said sadly.

"It's okay" Jungkook said as he fiddled with his fingers. "My mental is alright, it's getting okay, i wasn't in the right state of mind, I wanted to kill myself, that was actually really selfish and super bad..I'm sorry Jimin, you must feel really dissapointed"
Jimin shook his head. "I should be sorry, we've always teased you about how chubby you are and ask you to do things, we were so insensitive, I'm just happy that you are opening up right now" Jimin place a peck on jungkook's forehead.
"I love you Jungkook, please don't think you are not good enough, you are perfect Baby"
Jungkook smile. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the beat of Jimin's heart. It made him feel calm for no reason.

"I'm not that perfect.." Jungkook murmured.
"No you aren't" Jimin cupped jungkook's jawline and pressed his lips together.
"You are extraordinary"


I haven't been updating much so I kinda feel bad.

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