75:That Rainy Day 🌧

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To the person who requested a story, I am so sorry, I will try to finish it while I can 😭

Not proofread

Author POV
Location:Practice studio
Jimin was awestruck by the well-made video that Jungkook had created and decided to upload it in YouTube, GCF.

He never exprected the maknae to create anything. He thought that it was just him recording the scenery. The Busan man squealed in delight after posting his tweet that wrote "Jungkook-ah, if hyung knew you were going to make such a great video I would have dressed better and would not have acted that silly, I'll dress better next time. Thank you for making this video, you did a good job."

Once he put his phone back into his pocket Jean, He notice Jungkook sitting alone so he ran with his tiny feet and squished the life out of the younger with a tight hug.

"Jungkook!! You brat!" Jungkook was confused until he heard a notification and saw Jimin's tweet, which made him chuckled. "You just noticed?" Jimin puff out his cheeks and slap the maknae's chest. "Yes I did! That was so beautiful Jungkook! How could you just let me do an ugly face just like that?" Jimin whined. Jungkook laughed. "Everyone love your charms hyung, don't worry" Jimin grinned. "Even you?" Jungkook gay panicked and quickly said "U-Um whatever"

Jimin smiled and position himself to sit infront of Jungkook, his legs criss-crossed together. "Was that my birthday gift? Did you do it for that? To surprise me?" Jungkokk furrowed his eyebrows and laughed. "Are you kidding me? No, it's for the fans"
Jimin smile faded at that and his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean. For the fans?"

"It's not for you hyung, it was just fan service"

"Excuse me?" Jimin was irritated. Anyone can tell from the change of tone. Sadly, Jungkook did not.
"So you're telling me that when I thought I said I wanted to go Japan and you decide to pay for the ticket, that was for fan service?"

"Uh, yeah"

"And you're telling me that the song you chose for the video, that you would always check for the meaning of the lyrics, was for fan service?"

Jungkook sigh and nodded. He was only stating the facts. Meanwhile, Jimin growled and stood up.

"So you're telling me, that when we were being interviewed and they asked what was the most memorable thing in Japan that we did and you could have just said the dinner or the shopping but you said that i kept you awake because I was using my phone until 5 am, that was for fan service? " Jimin hoped it wasn't. Don't get him wrong, they were always doing something every night but that moment in Japan was very special for him so he hoped it wasn't for-

"Yes hyung, it was for fan service" Jungkook shrugged. "It's no big deal" Jimin almost wanted to cry but he stop himself. "Yeah..for you"

Jungkook swore he heard Jimin's voice crack and he could feel the heavy tension rising but he was still unsure of what he did wrong.

"If that video was for fan service then why didn't you tell me?" Jimin spat.
"Because I knew you would act like this" Jungkook sigh. "You always get mad whenever I take you somewhere to record you for the army, i mean yeah, I admit, I record you when you were happy but that doesn't mean anything, you know that right? You're older than me, you should know bette-"

"Shut the Fxck up" Jungkook flinched and his eyes widen. "What?" Jimin clench his fist tightly as he gritted his teeth. "You think I don't have feelings? All those years of being called the third wheeler, the attention seeker and the one-sided love from Armys , you think it didn't hurt my heart?" At this point, he didn't care if he looked pathetic or he was ugly crying, he had to say it.
"I honestly thought you changed" Jimin said sadly. Jungkook gulped his saliva. He tried to reach out for Jimin's hand but Jimin pushed him away.

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