148: Truth or dare?

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Author POV

Jimin is Jungkook's best friend. So was Jungkook. They had been stick with glue since high school. No one has ever seen the two separate even during their college years. Jimin was grateful to have Jungkook- well, he did have a tiny crush on the man.

Who wouldn't?

Jimin would often daydream about the man every day, he'll often take pictures of Jungkook secretly to admire and he always remembers the man's favorites; food, drinks, clothes, specific scents- Jimin loved Jungkook.

"You're staring again" Jimin snaps out of his thoughts and turn to find taehyung (Jimin met him in a bar and found out taehyung studied in the same college),  that was judging him.

"Jimin, you gotta stop. Flirty eye contact practice won't make you get Jungkook" he advised Jimin.

"It's call practice for a reason, I'm sure he'll notice"

"Yeah right, as if Jeon Jungkook is gonna take you as his and immediately break up with his girlfriend"


Jungkook has a girlfriend.

Jimin often has heartbreaks because of that.

The two met unfortunately through an assignment group project. They slowly fell in love and started dating by the end of the semester break. Jimin was depressed seeing Jungkook talking about Y/N everyday.

"Taehyung, is it possible to break up these two?"

"Jimin, don't be such a loser by sabotaging a relationship. I suggest you to move on" Jimin pouts. He hated the thought. He loved Jungkook to try.

"I need some fresh air" Taehyung hums and Jimin walks away. Which was a bad idea. No matter where he walked, couples were everywhere. He was disgusted but knew deep down, he wanted to be held. "I am so touch-starved.." he thought, sighing in single. He walked through the pain of couples giggling, couples feeding each other food, Y/N making out with a girl-


Jimin peeked through his peripheral version and internally gasped. It was indeed Y/N making out with a girl from the corner. "Oh my god.." Jimin hid himself from the scene, still in shocked. "Y/N is cheating on my Jungkook!" Jimin smiles but slaps himself because he knew Jungkook would be devastated by this news.
"Hi hyung"

Speak of the devil.

"Jungkook!" Jimin half-screamed. He hugs the male tightly and starts to lead them away from the scene. Jungkook was confused but then hugs jimin back and followed. When they got further away, Jungkook removes himself and ruffles his hyung's hair, smiling. "Hi hyung, have you seen Y/N?"

Yeah they're eating a girl.

(Note: Y/N is gender-neutral)

"Nope. Haven't seen them. I'm not as obsessed as you" Jimin jokingly said but seeing Jungkook blushed made his heart sting. "Oh well, it was nice seeing you hyung but I guess I'll go find them" Before Jungkook could walk away, Jimin stopped him by pulling his jacket. "Hey.." Jimin was hurt. "You hardly spend time with me. Let's grab some burgers and talk about the water temperature or something" Jungkook gave an apologetic smile, prying away from Jimins's grasp.

"Maybe next time hyung.." Jimin grabs hold Jungkook's wrist now. "Please..I miss you" Jungkook's smile faded and he felt sorry.

"Maybe I have been too occupied with Y/N.."

"Oh hyung" Jungkook embraced him and Jimin closes his eyes, loving the soft flowery scent the male had.
"I'm sorry. Let's go eat burgers, my treat"

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