128: Because of you, I've lost everything 5

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Author POV

A year had gone by and Jimin barely approached Jungkook. Even while training, Jimin would only use sign language to communicate with jungkook, as he refused to let his mouth do the work. Others thought it was petty. But jungkook took that as a price to pay. He reminded himself that a young man could not hear because of him. That's why, Jungkook was determined to make things right.

Even if it cost his life.

"Argh!" Jungkook let out a groan that was difficult to hear. "my leg..." Today was just another day of dealing with an adversary.
It was a woman this time. She was also more powerful than the heroes' previous foes. Fortunately, they were able to weaken her and send her to a laboratory. This lab was created to take a villain's power and destroy it for good. Jimin and Jungkook's team survived but now, Jungkook could barely feel his legs.
His left leg was burned and so was his neck.

"Hey!" The taller turn his head and saw Jimin running towards him. Jimin's expression were hard to read. Jungkook can only confirm that the smaller was looking at him from top to bottom.
"you can't walk can you?" Jimin asked.
"Uh. yeah I can! I just need to-" Jungkook bits his lip from letting out a groan as he stood up.

It hurts...

Jimin only volunteered to help him since Jungkook was constantly defending him. He practically used his body as a barrier to protect Jimin and because he could see Jungkook was in pain throughout the fight, the smaller found it concerning.

"I can hear your legs breaking, let me help-"
"I'm fine. I can do this myself" Jungkook retorted. He hated pity. Jimin knew that too.
But jungkook was badly hurt and he's not that evil to let the taller walk on his own.
Jimin stretch out his hand and says
"Don't be stubborn. Let.me.help.you"

Jungkook shuts his eyes, his fist balled in annoyance. "I don't want help!" He thought.
"Im okay" he ended up saying. 
"You don't need to bother"

Then they began to argue again.

It was only a mouthful of curse words and finger pointing. The rest of the team was gone since Jimin wanted to help Jungkook on his own. They were worried for Jimin's safety but Jimin reassures them that he'll be fine. But now, he slowly finds himself to regret it. "You see this is why I can't fxcking be nice to you anymore! You can't change for sh*t! I wanna help because you're clearly in pain and yet you still act like this! God I wish I could kill you right now-"

The smaller was instantly caught in a strong hug, which startled him. As Jungkook draws him closer, he is unable to finish his sentence.
"You're attractive, you're brilliant," Jungkook said, "your laugh is contagious, you have a beautiful heart, and your eyes are like poop-no, chocolate," he added.

"what are you doing-" As the hug became tighter, Jimin coughed a little.
"You have good friends, you smell nice, and it's a gift for me to make you smile." Jungkook continued to compliment Jimin, but Jimin remained confused.
"You're really cool, and you deserve to be the No.1 hero in the world." Jimin wasn't sure whether he could speak just now, but Jungkook had been silent for a moment, so he did.

"Now that you shut up, tell me...what are you doing?" Jimin asked as he pulls away from Jungkook. The taller glances at him and sighs.

"I'm pissed off" he starts.
"And I'm still not happy but, I'm not gonna take my anger out on you. Instead, I'm gonna give you 10 compliments to remind myself of why the anger is worth it"

Jimin's eyes widen and then he also cringes at how sappy Jungkook's words were.
"Oh my god.." that's when Jimin burst into laughter. "You...really.." Jungkook chuckles.
"I know...an idiot"
Jimin looks at him and took his hand. 
"Please Jungkook. Let's go home okay?"
He begs. Jungkook stayed silence before he replied with

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