33. ❄️Cold to Soft ☁️

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Author POV
Jungkook wasn't really a very affectionate guy and Jimin knows that ever since they started dating. He doesn't really mind though sometimes he wish for Jungkook to give a little bit of skin ships even if it's just holding hands. But he won't force Jungkook if it makes him uncomfortable. Jungkook had always been a cold type of guy and a little shy. He seldom give Jimin hugs or kisses but he will say I love you just so jimin would know that he loves him very much.

But he had always felt guilty whenever he sees Jimin looking at other couples holding hands or hugging each other. Jimin always had that sad eyes and smile on his face but whenever Jungkook asked "are you okay?" Jimin would just look at him and smile. "I'm fine"

"Hyung I'm going out with the 97 lines" Jungkook said as he put on his sweater. Jimin hummed and gave a thumbs up. "Go enjoy yourself but don't drink too much" Jimin said. "I will" Jungkook walked closer to his boyfriend and took a deep breath before giving him a peck on his cheek that made Jimin almost had a heart attack. "I love you" Jungkook says, his bunny tooth showing.
Jungkook left quickly so his boyfriend wouldn't see the blushing face he's having right now. After that, Jimin can't help but smile widely as he caresses his cheek. "That's new..."

It was already 11:50pm. Jimin was still up since he drank too much coffee for the whole day. "I'm tired but I can't sleep...that doesn't make any sense.." Jimin murmured. So, he decided to read a book, hoping it would make him sleepy. He was so immersed in the book that he didn't realize that Jungkook had already open the door.

"Jimin-shii? Are you home~~~" Jungkook says. Oh he's back... Jimin closed his book and went downstairs. "Hey kook-"  "HI BABY!!" Jimin couldn't finish his sentences bc Jungkook had crushed his entire body with a big bearhug that made them fall to the ground.  "I miss you~ did you miss me??" Jungkook asked. Jimin furowed his eyebrows. "Um...yes of course I do..." Jimin answered.

Jungkook grinned and pinched both of Jimin's cheeks. "Good good, bc I miss you too"
"Kook, how much did you drank?" Jimin asked worriedly as he examined his boyfriend's face. Jungkook's eyes were looking up while his bottom lip was sticking out. He was thinking REALLY hard but it made Jimin giggled at how cute he looked.

"Em..Swiss" "I'm sorry what??" Jimin couldn't make out what Jungkook had said.
"6" Jungkook said. Jimin's mouth formed into an O shape and said "did you lose a dare?" Jungkook shook his head as he buried his face in Jimin's neck. "I jwust wanted to drwink Swiss" "God stop saying Swiss, it's 6 you idiot" Jimin said as he flicked jungkook's forehead.

Jungkook giggled as he rubbed his forehead. "sowwy" Jimin sigh and tried to stand up but he was pinned down and the next thing he knew. "Jung-mph!" His lips were pressed against jungkook's. Their lips moved in sync and Jimin immediately wrapped his arms around jungkook's neck.

They pulled away, panting. Jungkook grinned widely, his cheeks were pink and he scrunch his nose, making him look like a real bunny. "You're so cute Jungkook-ah" Jimin said, booping jungkook's nose. "Nooo babyyy youwre the wute one!!" Jungkook slurred. Jimin couldn't help but burst into laughter. His boyfriends is seriously a cutie when he's drunk.  "Ok ok I am the cute see?" Jimin pushed his cheeks together, making him look like a cute chipmunk.

Jungkook squealed and lift Jimin up, spinning him around. "You're so adorableeee AHHHHHHH" He yelled and Jimin feared that their neighbors might think there's a robbery. "Kookie shhh, you're gonna wake the neighbors up" Jimin said. Jungkook stop spinning Jimin around and froze. His mouth formed into a O and he carried Jimin upstairs to their bedroom.

Jungkook placed him softly on the bed and cuddled into Jimin.
"You're so weird-" "shh" Jungkook shushed him. "Why are you-" "shhh" Jungkook shushed him again and giggled. "We must be quiet remember? so shhhh" he said and covered Jimin's mouth. Jimin rolled his eyes and swat jungkook's hand away. "Why am I the one getting scolded? I'm the one that told you to shu-"
Jungkook place a finger on his lips while looking at jimin with sleepy eyes. "Shhhh be quiet~ the neighbours will Kwill uss~~" He drunkily said.

Jimin sigh. "I'm starting to hate drunk Jungkook now.." Jimin shake his head. Jungkook giggled and cupped both Jimin's cheeks. "I love you" he said with so much love and sincerity in it. "I love you Park Jimin, and I'm gonna marry you!!" Jungkook said, making Jimin's eyes widen. "You want to marry me?" He asked amused.
"Mm" Jungkook grinned and wiggled their nose together. "I'm sooooo sorryyyy that I don't give you hugs or kisses a lot" jungkook's eyes were beginning to water.

"You might think I don't love you but I do! And I always see you so sad when you see couples do those mushy mushy stuff and my heart rweally hurts but!" Jungkook place a peck on Jimin's nose and continued "I pwomiseee that I will show that I woveeee you this much!!" Jimin was about to speak but Jungkook smashed their lips together into a passionate kiss. When they pulled away, Jungkook didn't stop just yet and instead place lots of pecks on Jimin's lips.

Jimin giggled, feeling ticklish when Jungkook did that. "Ok ok you can stop Kookie" Jimin said. Jungkook look at Jimin with angry but sleepy eyes. Jimin raised his brow and said "What?" Jungkook scrunch his nose up and shake his head cutely. "I'm not stopping! Never!" Jungkook held Jimin's waist so he wouldn't move and gave even more kisses on Jimin's face from his forehead till his jawline and finally his lips. Jimin just couldn't stop his laughter bc of how ticklish it was.

Jungkook smile, feeling proud he made his boyfriend happy. They shared a staring battle and both smile softly. "I love you too Kookie" Jimin said. He wrapped his arms around jungkook's shoulder and let jungkook's head rest on his chest. "You know that right?" Jimin said while caressing jungkook's hair softly. Jungkook yawned and nodded, cuddling into Jimin more deeper.


When Jungkook woke up the next morning, he was met with a bad hangover and memories from yesterday. He felt embarrassed at how he acted that night but when He look up at his beautiful boyfriend's features, Jungkook thought maybe he should keep that promise. He buried his face against Jimin's neck and close his eyes to sleep again. "I'm gonna show you how much I love you Park Jimin starting today..." He smile, imagining how beautiful Jimin look being happy. Not knowing Jimin was already awake and heard his words, Jimin smile and caressed jungkook's hair.
"I'll love that"


I'm thinking that I should stop writing. I don't have any motivation to do it. I mean writing this story feels so...not like me. It's just not the 'I love doing this', it's more like 'This is just an empty story and I'm only doing this bc I have to'

If you have anyhting to tell me, you can tell me in the comments. I like to hear and maybe I won't quit who knows?

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