146: A One-sided love? 2

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Jungkook POV

You started avoiding me in school from the moment you walked out of my house. I wanted to talk to you but everytime I do, you always looked sad.
I wondered if I have said something that made you upset. Whenever I sat next to you, you barely smiled. When I asked you to have lunch with me, you said you're on a diet. When I asked you to hang out, you said you had assignments.

Why are you ignoring me..?

You're bad at lying and I can tell something was bothering you but what can I even do? I didn't have the heart to ask if it's personal. I wanted to respect you. But I also needed to know why-Why aren't you smiling when we're together..

"Hyung.." I saw Jimin walking to the swimming pool area and followed him. I watched the way he swam earlier. He was elegant and smooth when he moves. It was like watching a swan. He was done after that so I waited for him again to put his clothes on before I asked more questions.

"Jungkook! What are you-why are you here?" Jimin seemed shocked and it looked like he was going to run away.
My heart broke a little. I step slowly towards him as I reached for his cheeks.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Hyung so why are you avoiding me?" I asked, hurt. I managed to cup his cheek as he frozed into place. This was my chance. "I'm sorry" I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go.

His body was cold and his hair was still wet. He was shaking like crazy but I wondered if that was the cold or it was because he's nervous...

He didn't hug back. It was fine.
"I missed you Hyung.." I spoke, laying my head on his shoulder as I closed my eyes. " I'm sorry if I hurt you-"

"You don't even know how much I'm hurting Jeon Jungkook"

I flinched in surprise the moment he said that. The air felt thick and suffocating. Fxck..
"I don't understand"
"I don't expect you to know but I just...I wish you could" Hyung sounded so sad. It was breaking my heart. I couldn't approach him because he'll start to back away.

I stood there like a fool.

"I'm sorry Hyung" I felt useless.
"Are we...not friends anymore?"
What the hell am I doing?
"We are. But give me some time. I'll give up eventually" Jimin said.

What do you mean give up?
Why can't you tell me?
Please tell me..
Ugh. I hate myself.

"Okay.." I spurted out. He walked away with his head hung low.
I wondered if he was going to cry, or was he too tired.
I don't know. I really don't.

"I need to know right now. Shit.."


"Moon. You're close to Jimin Hyung right?"

"Yeah? What's wrong. Did you hurt him?" Moon brought her hands out to slap me but I stopped her.

"No! I would never! But he just seems so sad and I wondered if I fxcked something up that made him upset"

"Why are you even asking me that? You should know, it's your God damn brain after all" Moon gave me the mom look. The look that says 'You're an idiot to be born'. I groaned, almost crying. "I'm aware I'm an idiot, which is why you can help me with your opinions" Moon sighs and starts lifting her gaze to look at me.

"Park Jimin likes you. Idiot"

Jimin POV

"I can break his nose Jimin. Give me a chance " Taehyung had came to my dorm because he 'sensed' that I was depressed. He wasn't wrong. I told him about Jungkook, about my heartbreak and now he was here trying to be a MMA fighter by showing off his boxing skills infront of him.  He wanted to kill Jungkook for me.

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