6.My Angel

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Requested by: Pinoy_Sans
Jimin POV
Everyone wishes for good grades, good life, good friends. But my case is different.
"Jimin-ah, what did you wish for in the wishing well?" A girl that was the same age as me asked.

"I wish for death to stop chasing me"

Yes, death was trying to take away my life since I was a kid. The dream explained it all. I couldn't even sleep, thinking that death would take me away. Everyone thought I was crazy. I know I wasn't. I see it in my dreams every night. I'm not crazy, they just don't believe it. I always had eyebag which made me look like a panda. Good thing I learned about concealer and color corrector. They managed to fix it up real quick.

"I should get an eye mask" I murmured as I entered Watson. "Concealer, foundation, color corrector, eyeshadow and.." I went to the lipstick place and carefully picked one. "Hm..you know what, I'll just borrow my sisters" I shrug.
After I payed for everything, I suddenly shivered at the cold. I look around and saw the black shadow.
Death is here...
I was beginning to get annoyed but also scared. I am turning 21 this year, surprisingly, I am still here on earth, breathing .

I thank the God to whoever is protecting me right now. Eventhough death was still following me, it didn't came any closer to me. I assume it must be my protector. "I dont know who you are but I thank you for it" I whispered. When I entered my house, I was met by a wild bear tackling me. "ROARRR" It was my sister, Yuri, choking me to death.
"Y-Yuri stop!" I yelled. "Carry me!" She jumped onto my back.

"Yuri no you're too fa-"

A pancake is the perfect thing to describe me now.

Time skip
"Sorry bro" she apologize, rubbing my forehead. "It's fine Yuri"
"Oh yeah!' She said excitedly, I furrowed my brows. "You're birthday is tomorrow so I thought I will invite your members!" She clap her hands. "That's exciting right!"

"Hm sure" she pout and flick my forehead. "Is it about death?" She asked. She didn't believe me when we were kids but since she always see me all pale and looking scared every night, she soon believed it. "Yeah..I'm just worried that death will take me soon...I'm turning 21 Yuri...I'm scared"

"Aish, don't make me sad Bro! Let's think about cakes, candles, parties" she told me about everything that she wanted to do for my birthday and I just went along with it.

Jimin's dream
I was running away again. Everything was just so dark, creepy and scary. Death was chasing me again, his long skeleton fingers were trying to grabbed me.
I felt his fingers almost coming closer to me until someone grabbed me and turn me around so he was infront of me.

I peeked a little and saw white big wings, it was covering us like a shield and soon, death was gone. I gulped. "Who...are you?"
The face was blur but I know it was a he. He ruffle my hair and said "meet me at the water fountain at 12pm and you will see"

I woke up, gasping for air. Oh my god. Is this true? Could I finally meet the person who protected me?!
"I hope it's true, it has to be true, it.has.to.be.TRUE!!"

"SHUT UP JIMIN" Yuri shouted.

Time skip (party time)
The doorbell rang and I opened the door, as expected from my friends, they all pushed me inside and hugged me tightly until I was in the sofa.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARK JIMIN" they all yelled.
I grin weakly bc they were squishing my whole body.
"T-Thank y-y-you"

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