120: Peanut and Jasmine Love

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Author POV
In a world that's filled with different places for different people, they named their world Utopia. A place in which everything is perfect. However, Jimin never found Utopia to be perfect. He simply found that his title kinda suck.
He was born in a peanut family. Peanuts are known to be tiny and cute. Because of that, he gets teased by a lot of people for being a little tiny than them. Jimin was pissed since he knew his height wasn't that short.
"I'm 5'8...5'8.5, I can be taller than Yoongi hyung" he says angrily. "It's just my body frame that makes me look tiny.."
"Jimin, stop mumbling and finish your work! You said that you wanted to hang with your friends!" His mom yelled.
"Yes mom!"

His friend group consisted of 6 people, 6 including him. Kim Namjoon, Seokjin, and Taehyung were born in the Kiwi family. Yoongi in Mint while Hoseok in Hazelnut. Jimin was grateful to find friends in different places.
"I'm done mom! I'm going out now!" He yelled as he grabbed his sling bag, tossing it onto his shoulder.
"Okay! Come home early son!" The smaller skipped happily as his face was filled with a wide grin. He couldn't wait to hang with his friends.

Until, tragedy came...


Jeon Jungkook panicked when he saw a tiny man suddenly fell right on his butt. He crouched down to meet Jimin's level as his eyes showed concerned. "Are you okay? Wait no, hey! You almost destroyed my flowers!" The concerned voice turned more into an angrier one, which made Jimin look up in confusion. "What?" Jungkook looks at him and waves his flowers. "This. Do you know how hard it is to find these flowers? If these get destroyed, I will lite-"


Suddenly, the taller started sneezing.

Jungkook rubs his nose. "Ugh, anyways, what I'm about to say is I- ACHOO!" He sneezed again. Jimin frowned and covered his face with his sling bag as he stood up. "Stop sneezing so loud jeez.." Jimin says.
"Sorry but I don't know why-ACHOO! ACHOOO!" Jungkook groans and glares at his flowers.
"Did I pick peanut flowers!" Jimin looks at them properly and shook his head.
"They don't look like one" he says, frowning. "How would you know what it really looks like?" Jungkook asked which made Jimin laugh. "I was born in a peanut family, of course I know what it looks like-"

"You're from a what now?"

Jimin was taken aback by how rude Jungkook's tone was, but he still repeated what he said. The taller immediately backed away from Jimin as he tried to shield himself. "Stay away from me!" He yells. Jimin frowns.
"Excuse me? Why should I-" "I'm allergic to peanuts! And you fxcking smell one!" He yells again.
Jungkook scoffs and says "I wish to never see you again, bye, peanut boy"

Peanut boy?

"Ugh" Jimin rolls his eyes. "I hate how he says it"

Unfortunately, Jungkook's wish didn't came true. The two of them would bump to each other since they used the same path to go somewhere. The taller was not happy to see Jimin's face. Neither does his nose. Meanwhile, Jimin purposely made sure to make himself smell more like peanuts. He would always wear perfume that had a strong scent of peanuts.
He would sometimes even make peanut accessories to wear as well. Since then, Jungkook had more flu than usual while Jimin's eyes were getting sore from glaring too much.

Things turn out more worse when Jung Hoseok threw a party for his friends.

"Why is he doing here!" Jimin spat as he pointed at Jungkook, whom was casually sitting far from people while drinking orange juice. Taehyung shrugs and says "You know how Hoseok is, he invites people who he thinks are lonely. Now you're stuck to glare at him Jiminie" the smaller groans and hugs his tall friend. "Please...make him go away"
Taehyung laughs. "You shouldn't be this way Jiminie, I think he's a great guy" Jimin scoffs and removes himself form Taehyung. "No way! He's rude! And he's too annoying!" "Okay?" Tae raised his eyebrow. "But you also made that poor boy have a red nose now, take a good look at him and tell me you don't feel bad at all"

Jimin took a look at him and his eyes soften. The poor Jungkook was sitting by the window, rubbing his nose and there were so much tissues everywhere. No one even approach him to have a small talk. Jimin's heart started to hurt.
He knew how that felt. Being ignored. I wonder if he really has friends...
"Cmon Jiminie, stop being mean and take off that peanut bracelet. Go and make him feel invited"

And so he did.

"Excuse me"
"Achoo!" Jungkook sneezed and turns around. He sighs and backs away from Jimin.
"Stay away, I can't stand peanut smells-" "um..I have something to make you stop sneezing.." Jungkook eyes widen and he immediately smiled widely. "What? What is it?" He said eagerly. Jimin chuckles. So this guy can smile...
"It's stupid though..you'll end up looking like a fool"
"I would rather look like a fool than having my nose dissapear"  he stated. "I'm sure it won't be that bad"
"Okay then.." Jimin pulled out a blue button from his sling bag and pressed it. The button quickly changed to a helmet that had 'pop!' Sound as it transformed. "We call this a bubble space helmet. It's breathable and it protects us from getting injured when we're doing risky works"

Jimin puts it on the taller, making sure he was comfortable. Once he was done adjusting it to how Jungkook liked it, Jungkook was in awe. "C-Can you hear me?" Jungkook asked. Jimin giggles and nods. "Yeah, can you hear me?"
Jungkook nods, giving him a thumbs up. "This is awesome! I can breathe!" Jimin smiles. "I'm glad you could"
After that, the two chat as if they weren't enemies before.

Should I continue this?

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