Chapter 1 - Wait for You

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'What's going on?'

The sharp pain of her wound disappeared, her chest didn't ache and her heart seemed to have calmed down. It was like God answered her prayers and released her from the agony making her body feel like it weighed nothing but a gram. 

She sensed nothing beneath her, no concrete slab or the comfy beds of the hospitals but it was like she was floating in the midst of space.

Forcefully fluttering her eyes open, she was welcomed by a sudden burst of light, blinding her.

"shit" she sheltered her eyes from the blinding light that soon started to fade away. 

Blinking her eyelids to adjust her vision, Artemis could make out white walls surrounding her with every turn. "Where am I?"

'Could this be the place where God decides your path to Heaven or Hell?'

"Yes, it is" Artemis was startled by the sudden gentle voice that spoke from the midst of the empty white room.

She searched around her self expecting a man or figure with a long white robe and a face that shone brighter than the sun but found nothing except for white walls at every corner of the room.

"Artemis Ray you have engraved a huge sin. You committed your life to killing people. A rule I bestowed upon your kind a long time ago but to have it broken. Thus, you shall be punished for your sin" She could feel the gentleness of the voice but it sounded disappointed as if he didn't expect this from her.

She was aware of her past decision of accepting the role of an assassin. The huge sin for killing hundreds of people will not go unpunished. Feeling the guilt of going against God's words, she bit her lip and held back her tears. They didn't leave her a choice, it was either kill or be killed. It was the only choice that could lead her to survival and to stay with her older brother without being separated. The only decision she could make now is to accept her fate, the eternal punishment of torture in the fiery pits of hell. 

The thought of the demons skinning her alive constantly as she begged them to stop, the eternal burn of the flames burning her to crisps over and over again repeated in her mind. It was the stories her mother told her constantly reminding her to walk the path of God or else her punishment was the burning of hell.

She hugged herself, ready for the demons to appear in front of her with their burning golden eyes that could pierce through any soul that dared to look in. Their snickering grins revealing their yellow stained canine teeth, the leathery red skin covering their whole body and their dangerous pointy horns on their head with the pitchfork in their hands ready to drag her down to hell.

She waited but no burning presence could be sensed. Confused, she looked around and she saw nothing but the same white walls.

"I'm so confused what- AHH!" without any warning, Artemis body dropped to the floor and landing straight on her butt.

"ouch" Artemis rubbed her sore butt cheeks. 

"What the fuck! What the hell was that for?" she grumbled. 

All of a sudden, the stench of blood burned her nose. The smell of iron didn't affect her however, the scent was getting heavy and disgusting making it harder for her to breath. Covering her mouth to block the smell from entering again, she felt warm liquid run down her chin. 

Slowly looking down at her hands her eyes widened in horror.

Instead of her white milky skin was the blood-stained hands of a killer. The crimson liquid oozed down like waterfalls with the sound of splattering bouncing off the walls creating an echo.

The blood started to rise beneath her feet like ocean rising to the surface. Fear struck her core like lightning as she crawled backwards in terror.

Artemis could hear her heart race from her chest, her breath was shortening and her mind was racing. 'Is this how I'm going down? No, I don't want to. Please not this'  Hot tears came down her cheeks as she prayed for it to stop rising.

Without notice something bony grabbed her wrist. Quickly shifting her head to what gripped so tightly on her wrist like it was going to shatter her bones, terror sucked the very breath from her mouth. 

Long skeleton like hand held her wrist. "AHHHHH" she screamed as she pulled her hand free. Artemis tried to get up but another grabbed her by the leg and she tripped to fall back into the pool of blood.

With a panic she kicked her leg free but to have another of the bony blood stain hand grab her by the wrist. Artemis tried jerking her hand back, pulling it from its grasp. Sudden screams of men ringed in her ears. The screeching and raw yelling of men screaming for her to go to hell echoed the room.

"STOP" she begged but her pleading was ignored as more bony hands rose from the blood and grabbed Artemis from each end of her, from her arms and hair, pulling her down deeper into the ocean of blood. "NO. STOP"

She struggled to get free but their grip was strong and they didn't budge no matter how many times she kicked and pulled they just wouldnt let go. 

Artemis stopped struggling comprehending with the fact she was not going to escape their grasp. With a tearful face she prayed once more. "please God forgive me" she closed her eyes. 

Unexpectedly Artemis felt warm and soft hands against her cheeks. It was soft and gentle familiar to the hands of her brothers.

"Artemis" the familiar medallic voice made its way to her ears. "Open your eyes, it's ok"

Artemis recognised the voice. The same gentle voice that helped her through the darkness, the same voice that told her stories every night as a child and then one that calmed her every time she had a panic attack. 

Slowly opening her eyes, to meet with the brown eyes of Daisuke.

A kind smile crossed his handsome face as his silver hair glittered from the light that shone behind him. It's as if God had heard her prayers and pitied her.

"Daisuke" Artemis mumbled, her voice cracking then to break in to a cry. "DAISUKE" she pounced on him giving him the biggest hug she could ever give. She didn't want to let him go again, not now or ever.

"I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

Daisuke smiled, stroking her long silky black hair. "It was never your fault, Artemis. Don't blame yourself"

"but Daisuke-" she was cut off by a kiss on her brow. "My little sister I won't see you for a while." Looking down at his confused little sister he smiled. "don't worry I will be waiting back at home".

Artemis stared into his brown eyes bewildered by his words not understanding what he meant.

"it's ok if you do not understand but do not worry Artemis, we will see each other later" a warm sensation surrounded her when he spoke those words. 

Daisuke placed his forehead on hers as he stared into her red eyes, sudden tears poured down Artemis' cheeks not wanting to see him go. "come back to me whenever your ready".

Artemis eyes became heavy and she was unable to keep them open. Her head became light and her knees were refusing to keep her up. 'Why am I suddenly so tired?'

Daisuke started to become a blur. She was losing conscious by the second, scared to let him go she quickly held his hand.

"I will be waiting Artemis." Was the last thing she heard when darkness consumed her once again.

"I love you Artemis"

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