Chapter 80 - Isvandy in Taivas

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"Hey. Oi. Hey." I could hear a faint male voice. I groaned in discomfort, feeling something warm poke my cheek slowly yet repeatedly. "Wake up" this time the soft pokes were slaps on the cheek. I scrunch my face in annoyance, forcefully opening eyes and the first thing I lay my eyes on is autumn eyes staring blankly at me. A paw was in the air like it was going to slap me again.

It was the pesky fox that returned to his true form.

"Took you long enough to wake up" the hint of mockery slithered out from his snout casually. I stared blankly at him. "I thought you had died there for a second" the fox turned around, his puffy orange tail swift behind him when he did.

"Five more minutes" I groaned awake, forcefully pulling the sheets over my head.

"There is no 'five more minutes'. We have to continue on our journey then sleeping five more minutes" I heard him mock me from under the covers of my blanket and then hearing a faint thud which probably him jumping off the bed.

"Either way you already slept the whole day yesterday"

My eyes suddenly shot opened, and I bolted up in a sitting position, the blanket flying in the air. "WHAT!" a yell of shock bounced off the walls.

The fox stared at me indifferently for a second before glancing his head to where the window was. I followed his gaze to the window.

Warm colours had painted the sky like a beautiful sunrise painting while the giant glowing ball in the sky began to rise, lighting up the room even brighter than it was before.

My lips turned upside down, brows turning down wards. "How is it morning already? I just went to sleep for 30 minutes"

"Are all humans this lazy?" Homura questioned, rolling his amber eyes at me, his face showing how clearly annoyed he was.

I rubbed my face with the palms of my hands, grumbling in frustration and collapsing back on the bed. "I guess I really needed sleep" I said softly, my blue eyes tracing the pattern of the wood. All I could think of now is the memory I dreamt of last night.

If it wasn't for master, I don't think I would be the person I am today.

Artemis Ray, Ryu's Black Dragon. The feared assassin among the organisations, a cold-hearted killer that merciless sliced or poisoned her victims.

Master was one of the few that treated me like I belonged somewhere in the world even if I only was just a shadow. I stood behind him like a loyal dog, killing anyone who came in his way, following his orders without a question, doing his bidding whenever he asked me to and never going behind his back.

I was his shadow that hid behind him and appeared behind his enemies whenever he commanded me to.

My life belongs to him and if he ordered me to kill myself, I wouldn't hesitate to obey and do it.

He trusts me and I trust him, and I would do anything to make him satisfied. It wouldn't bother me if he cared or not of my death. I'm just his loyal shadow that follows his orders.

However, I am curious how he felt when he heard about my death though. Did he mourn my death or was he the same cold master that only placed flowers on the graves of his lost agents before leaving and never thinking about it again?

This question is something who even me that stayed beside him since I was 9 till now, who knows master better than anyone, cannot answer at all. Master is still a mystery among the organisation and to me.

I covered my eyes with my arm, sighing a long dull breath.

'Do not hesitate to kill, never reveal any emotions and never show mercy to anyone. Your enemies take advantage of those' his words are still clear as day in my mind. I will never forget what he taught me through the years of training.

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