Chapter 65 - Goodbye Friend

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"Take me to the teleporting tree thingy" I said, forgetting the name of the tree Elisaria talked about yesterday.

I waited for her response, but I only got a baffled and facepalmed look from her. "My injury is healed" I lifted the white blouse up, revealing the perfect skin before the wound. Her jaw shut permanently like glue and her owl-like eyes widened. "What in the Gods name am I seeing" she mumbled.

"The fairies healed my wound with water magic. So, I'm feeling better now, show me the way to the tree. So, I can get on my way" there was a hint of coldness in my tone as I eyed the old witch.

Her face went pale for moment when she turned around and started mumbling something to herself that I couldn't quite catch.

"Tell me did you do something for them to return the favour?" she narrowed her owl-like eyes at me with suspicion, smacking her lips together as she did. I quickly shook my head.

She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. She stroked her wrinkly chin and squinted her eyes in deep thought. "That is very odd" Elisaria murmured.

"It's not normal for fairies to heal a random person?" I asked placing my hand son my hips. The old witch gave me a cold side glance. "Fairies don't do favours for a human without owing their lives to one. They are takers not givers"

'Huh? I thought fairies were the nice mythical beings or something. What the hell is this?'

"So, they doing ya a favour out of the blue is very odd, never have I heard of this before" she said before staggering her way to me.

Elisaria eyed me up and down. "Who are ya? What are ya?" this witch has doubt reflected in her eyes and her tone was harsh. "I'm only a commoner from Isvand trying to make a living after my father's passing" I lied calmly but it came out cold and ruthless as I crossed my hands. She glared at me and continued to smack her lips again. "A commoner ya say?" Elisaria eyed me up and down, examining every inch not seeming to miss a single spot.

"That's hard to believe" she continued to doubt my words. "Ya skin is smooth and light like it had been taken cared of, ya hair is long and healthy, and ya face looks seemingly healthy for a commoner" she said poking me.

I swatted her hand away "believe what you want to believe witch but I'm telling you, my father was a doctor working for the commoners and my mother was a seamstress. I'm nothing but a lowly commoner trying to make some money for a living"

Elisaria clenched her jaw shut but her eyes revealed that she still not trust my words at all and had her doubts of my identity. The old witch wasn't to blame, of course she would have her doubts, I am lying about who I really am. My father wasn't a doctor he was photographer and mother was kind of a seamstress, she was a fashion designer that was coming into the light before the tragic incident 17 years ago.

"Tch, whatever. I don't care anymore" she swatted her hand down and shrugged off with a few cursed words.

"So can you lead me to the tree" I asked her in a bluntly manner resulting her to turn around and stare at me creepily. "The Andmine Arbor will bloom in a few days and that is when I will lead ya to it but for now ya are welcome to stay here. Rest, play do whatever ya young lasses do in such a youth age" she shooed me off pinching the bridge of her nose. She keeps murmuring to herself and I can't hear what she is saying.

"Thank you"

I rested my self under the shade of the tree, feeling puffed out from all the intense running around to build up Diana's horrible stamina. I really miss my original body. I had spent years building it up to where it is now. Now I have to restart all that harsh training again. I grumbled of frustration escaped my lips.

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