Chapter 97 - A Lost Piece

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The water dispersed, instantly disappearing from view as it made it's finally splashing sound.

The fire sparked back to life, crackling away the wood to embers as it brought the warmth and light back to the cold twilight room.

Damon blinked back to reality; his golden eyes slowly gazed up at Astraea. Black pupils shook in horror and his mind completely lost at what he just saw in the magic water. He couldn't contempt on what he just witnessed.

He just stood, mouth agape and his hands trembling.

The mirror.

The once grand duke of Isvand, Ophir Lancaster IV.

A brave and Loyal knight who died for his master and lady.

Mariana, Diana's deceased mother.

The Black dragon of Legends.

But something that Damon had seen in the water's memory had completely made him still, his throat had run dry and his breath loud and hazy as he tried to keep a steady mind to think. He did not want to believe what his eyes laid upon and that it was just a flicker of the wavering water that made him see things.

But whatever excuse the crown prince of Aureum made up it just made him feel like idiot fool instead.

'It might have been a trick of the mind' Damon's hand rose to clutch a lock full of his raven black hair as he staggered back with a step. 'It has to be. It has to BE!'

Astraea worried tone had brought Damon's attention back "Damon you must return to Aureum. Do not let anything or anyone get a hold of her"

Damon's piercing gold eyes shifted quickly at Astraea that made her stiffen. With tightening hands, Damon snatched Astraea and held her by the shoulders "Tell me what I saw in the water was not Diana!" he hissed so bitterly, glaring down at the terrified princess.

"Tell me!"

The poor princess whimpered in his grasps, scared and afraid as she felt her own air clog her airway.

"Astraea tell me, the girl in the magic water was not Diana consumed by that dragon's power" Damon questions with fury emblazing through his tone, his deathly gold gaze pierced the little princess soul, and she began to tear up. Fear had rose from the back of her mind as it's seed had rooted itself inside of her ad began to grown.

Realising what he had just caused, Damon loosened his grip and let Astraea go. He clicked his tongue as he slumped himself on the couch, hands tracing away his raven locks that came down and hovered above his golden eyes. All this had shaken him up and he felt like shit.

The princesses fell to the ground from the shock, pupils shaking while the formed tears fell down her cheeks. A hand rose to her mouth, and she closed her eyes shut to prevent herself from crying. Her heart still trembled, racing loudly in her ears.

He exhaled a sigh and relaxed himself, laying his head on top of the backrest and covered his face in shame with his fingers. "I apologise Astraea for the sudden outburst". The crown prince couldn't bring himself to look into teal eyes of the young princess of Isvand and found himself beginning to study the dancing shadows and the flickering light that duelled across the white ceiling.

Astraea didn't respond. She was bewildered from had happened and her hands still trembled.

They stayed like that, no one said a word.

Thoughts ran along Damon's mind, and it was of Diana. Questions stirred from all over, from the back of his mind to the front. He didn't know who Diana was anymore, the unknown dragon power he had heard from stories that she came to possess. Not knowing how she did.

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