Chapter 122 - Arrival

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When the pink-hued teleportation had enveloped them, they vanished from the forest and reappeared in a different location.

Appearing in thin air, all of five of them were in the air for only a milli-second before dropping to the floor.

Artemis executes a flawless superhero landing, bending her knees and bracing herself for impact as she touches down with grace and precision. She immediately springs into action, scanning their surroundings with sharp eyes.

Jackal, being his first time in teleporting through a small crystal, lands awkwardly atop Homura, who emits a high-pitched yelp of surprise. The fox's eyes widen in alarm as he tries to wriggle out from under the unexpected weight.

"Get off of me you fat human cub!" He growls angrily, snaring his little sharp teeth, his fur bristling with irritation as he tried to wriggle free from Jackal's weight.

Ciel isn't as fortunate in his landing, tumbling backward and landing with a heavy thud. He grunts in discomfort, feeling the impact reverberate through his body.

Sereia, the water fairy, lands softly on Ciel's chest, her tiny form cushioned by his body. She blinks up at him, unfazed by the chaotic landing.

Artemis surveys the scene, her expression a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Well, that was graceful," she remarks dryly, casting a glance at the tangled pile of bodies. Her expression clearly out of emotion as she watches them. "No one has any misplaced limbs" she asks, her tone tinged with sarcasm.

Jackal's expression shifted from confusion to horror as the realisation of his predicament dawned on him. His eyes widened, his face paling as he whispered in a horrified tone, "I can feel my lungs... in my butt."

The absurdity of his statement hung in the air, causing a moment of stunned silence from Artemis. Homura, recoiling in disgust, let out a dramatic shriek, his fur standing on end as he exclaimed,

"That's my breathing you imbecile!" Homura yells. "Now get off me before I bite your ass!"

Artemis looked at the two brainless morons with a judgemental expression, her lips twitching with annoyance. "Well, that's one way to breathe," she remarked dryly to herself.

Only realisation shook Jackal into sense and he looked down at the wriggling and squirming fox. "Oh sorry, I didn't realise I landed on you" the little thief said innocently as he got up.

Bewildered by Jackal's idiocy, Homura mouth dropped and his eye twitched before snapping back into sense. "Now you realise!" he yelled again.

With Jackal finally off him and another apology given to Homura, the little thief brushed himself down, completely unaware of the fox's side comments.

Homura had composed himself as he levelled himself up with all his four paws. "No, it's fine land on the fox. It's not like he cares if he looks like a squished up pile of shit" he muttered to himself while he smoothed down his fur with exaggerated care. "Tch dirty pig got grime and filth on my beautiful fur and I just cleaned and groomed it this morning". He turns his head to look at his own back.

The sight that greeted him was enough to bring tears to his eyes. His once luscious fur was now matted and tangled, streaked with grime and dirt from their fall. Several bald patches marred his otherwise fluffy coat, remnants of the acidic spit of the giant centipede they had encountered earlier.

"My beautiful fur" his eyes coats with gloss. The orange fox begin to sniffle back a cry. "All tangled up and ruined."

A wave of despair washed over him as he collapsed to the forest floor, his head buried in his paws as he whimpered softly to himself. "Why is it always me and my beautiful coat of orange fur that has to suffer the actions of everyone's stupidity." He muttered; his voice muffled by his tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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