Chapter 10 - Broke

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Tapping the quill on my cheek, I observed my attire designed on the paper. The drawing on the paper is my traveling attire for the journey. Clothes that I could hide behind and walk freely without tripping over a lace on my quest for home.

My design was based on the traditional Japanese Kimono with a mix of modern attire and here I am pondering over the fact if the skirt is to long or just the right size.

I rubbed my temples in frustration . 'How did mum do this without going crazy?'.

*Knock Knock*

The sudden knock at the door disrupted my thoughts. 'Please be Lilly. Please be Lilly and Diana's money' I prayed silently to God.

With the same lazy and cold manner I answered "Come in"

Lilly walked in Diana's room with a small brown chest in her hands. It was rather small but big enough to keep thousands of gold coins inside. "My lady, you requested for your money" she bowed her head in respect.

'YESSSS' I could just jump up and celebrate in victory but that would be weird and awkward with Lilly standing by the door way.

'MUHAHAH. God has decided to be on my side today'

"Yeah, leave it on the table" I gestured my hand to place the chest away. Lilly bowed once more and scurried her way to the centre of the room, placing the heavy chest of money on the wooden coffee table.

"Is there anything else you request my lady?" She asked with the same annoying sweet voice of hers.

"Call me a professional tailor. I want him to be here today and no later." I ordered.

"As you wish Lady Diana"

"Now your dismissed. Go away" I shooed her away before she decided to piss me off with her fake flattering words again.

Lilly bowed and left closing the door behind her with a slight click.

I'm using Diana's money to buy the essentials I need for the road ahead of me. I'm technically stealing it but Diana isn't here and she can't do anything about it.

I plopped myself on the couch in front of the coffee table. I looked at the oak wooden chest lying in front of me urging me to open it. I trailed my fingers through the wooden carvings on the lid. It was a beautiful swirl pattern with golden vines bolted to the sides to make the chest look more attracting.

Slowly opening the lid, I was ready to witness the gold inside it. My heart was racing, why was it racing? I'm not dismantling a bomb or anything just opening a god damn chest filled with money.

"Calm down Artemis, everything is fine"

My heart dropped when I saw what was inside the FUCKING EMPTY CHEST.

I slammed my hands on the table angrily. "Where the fuck is my money?" my eye twitched from anger. Did Diana decide to waste all her money to her liking knowing I was going to inhabit her body and use for myself?

Instantly the door flew open startling me from my angry moment.

"Who dares enter my ro-"I span around and was caught off guard by a cold man standing by the door giving me a heartless glare.

'Shit. What the fuck does this old fart want'

"What is it that you came here" I crossed my hands arching an eyebrow as I scanned him.

"I came here to speak to you" Duke's heartless amber eyes stared right through me. His manner right now was calm but it revealed a few signs of frustration yet I knew something was off with his behaviour.

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