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Hello Hello my dear wattpad readers,

It is I, your lovely yet lazy author, YUKI!!

Sorry for ruining everyones hope in believing this would be an update. Apologies. My bad.

I'm writing the next chapter of 'The Villainess only wants to go home' and trying to finish the best I can but the motivation ran dry when my pain in the ass of an english teacher decided to make me read Macbeth and answer her damn hard questions that don't even make sense like who gives shit how long Banquo is going to ride a horse for? I don't know you tell me?!

I don't even know who Banquo is, and I'm not even going to read the book to find out. YACK! BLEH NO WAY! I would read anything else but Macbeth. I don't even know what anyone says each line that's said. Maybe I'm stupid. I don't know. I also have no clue even what happened in the first scene.

Either way in general I literally lost all mounts of motivation of writing the next part. I sit my ass down and have my computer on my lap ready to start but the moment I read 'Without at any remorse, Zadkiel hurled Mariana onto the crystal floor. The poor girl yelped as she collided with a forceful impact on the icy ground, her body pained from all the bruises she had received from the lustful knights that played with her from the past days of staying in that awful prison cellar.' I drop dead and go "No, can't be bothered" and yeet my laptop across the room. (Just kidding. I'll get my ass whooped by my dad since he was the one who paid for it and he ain't going to get me another one too.)

Sooooo Yeah. You guys aren't gonna get the next chapter till monday.....

Monday next week not this week. Sorry to ruin everyone's mood with this brutal truth but umm it's true.

Writing this book is already difficult for me, half the time my brain is dead and can't think of anything and the other times I get distracted with the air particles around me. I didn't even know myself that I was going to go in this much depth with this novel with all this mystery and fantasy stuff and non-existence romance. Yeesh.

But you guys seem to enjoy every chapter of the mystery and fantasy stuff that goes around Artemis and the world of Alphyria and even some of you guys conclude your own theories about it, which some are creepily accurate yet I'm not gonna say which because that's a huge spoiler....................................................

Fumihiro is going to marry Artemis in the end.

I'm fucking kidding. I'm JUST KIDDING!!! Don't need to angry. GEEES

I was only trying to piss people off even though some of you actually wouldn't mind if he did... I mean he is like around mid 30s or something while Artemis is in her early 20s (I forgot her age ok. Don't attack me for not knowing my own creations age), I mean it's not that weird, you got like celebs marrying other celebs who is 10 to 20 years older them but the point is, he is not....

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