Chapter 109 - Harem Boy Part 1

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Hearing the witches introduction of herself made Ciel's skin crawl.

Being in the presence of one of Alphyria's strongest beings had made Ciel hands tremble uncontrollably beneath the table. The nervous sweat he felt prickle the corners of his face as he sat silently, trying to calm his racing heart.

The dragon keeper did not dare to look into those bird of prey eyes that starred intensely at him from the other side of the small wooden dining table. It made sitting on the seat uncomfortable as her hawk eyes continued to pierce the soul inside of him. His deep ocean jewels had locked permanently on the floating mushrooms of his stew, not daring to look up once.

The sisters of Alphyria were beings that should never be crossed by mortal men such as himself.

Evil beings that have been around for as long as anyone has remembered even before the great King of Alphyria. The sisters who were born by magic and the first to ever use it.

Immortal beings with great psychic powers who never followed the laws the nature.

The eldest who resided in Ventus had been banished to the far sides of Azura's Islands for something she had done that nearly brought war to Alphyria again, by the royal family of Ventus so long ago that had become ancient history.

The other three sister has never been seen or heard of again and it was said they live in each continent of Alphyria, surrounded by nothing except for their powerful magic spells.

Elisaria the youngest sister of the five, had also suddenly disappeared from the sight of humans and was never seen again by mortal eyes for as long as 6 hundred years that had sparked rumours of the witch being nothing but a legend who died and returned to nature.

Yet who knew she was alive this whole time and here Ciel was face to face with the witch who cut all contact with humans so long ago.

He was terrified if she was actually going to turn him into a toad and make toad stew out of him for her next meal.

"And who are ya?" her sudden sharp voice cut Ciel's inner thoughts, bringing him back to reality.

"C-Ciel" he quickly spoke with a stutter of his shaken and startled voice.

Elisaria eyes still analysed the startled dragon keeper like a bird of prey who was choosing her next prey to feast on. Those honey eyes that made Ciel more uncomfortable than he already was. She was scanning him up and down with those narrow slits of hers while she took spoon full of her stew that dripped down the overfilled hollow of wood and back into the steaming liquid with a faint plop.

He felt like she was checking him to make sure if he was worthy of something.

"oh, ya one of her harem boys, huh?" her question sounding like a sarcasm mock.

Ciel jerked back in confusion as that sentence was blurted out so casually from Elisaria. It shook a state of puzzled look to form across the keepers face. "Excuse me?" he rosed a questionable brow. "One of her harem boys?" he emphasised the last sentence.

"Stop ya yapping and start eating" Elisaria barked, smacking the tip of her spoon on Ciel's head.


"Ya stew is getting cold" Elisaria growled, beginning to dig back into her own food that she finished with the last bite. "Ungrateful prat. Not eating my food that I made personally out of the kindness of my wrinkly old heart and then speaking when he should be eating" she murmured angrily to herself as if she wanted to Ciel to hear her and feel guilty. "Waste of good stew".

Ciel sweat dropped, his nose wrinkled in annoyance. 'Who are you calling ungrateful? I didn't even do say or do anything. You're the one who's been talking the most' is what he had wanted to say but he didn't want to be turned into a frog and then stew, so he kept it to himself.

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